
Frankly my dear CineCraft, I don’t give a damn.

I think that’s what he’s saying. The Helm’s Deep cine-guy was basically saying “realistically, this would be in pitch darkness without any stirring music, but fuck that shit.”

What non-asshole frequents the Playboy Club?

They don’t “cover” the Superbowl, they showcase it. The broadcasts on Sundays aren’t journalistic coverage, they’re contractual relationships.

this feature is so good - this and Age of Heroes is some of the best movie criticism around right now. And well done AVClub too - this is exactly the features we want on this site.

It’s a fucked up system. If you treat an ex-con like they are still a criminal(whether it be a sex offense or not) then the incentive to not commit crimes again goes away. The high rate of recicidivsm of any criminal is because this county doesn’t use prison to actual rehabilitate and then treats men and woman who

I don’t accept the first one, to be honest. It makes no goddamn sense to me that a sex offender has to tell everyone in his neighborhood, but a MURDERER doesn’t.

So I posted the below response to the Jezebel article. I kind of took exception to the highlighted quote from Ashley Reese’s article. It just smacked of unthought-out guilt mongering. I’d also like to add that when it comes to certain companies that provide things cheaply, you also have to consider the intersection of

I live in Chicago. I can go ahead and boycott all chains.

A massive and reputable legal firm. The fact that his wife’s family is one of their many clients would be a non-factor in the investigation. Contrary to popular culture, most lawyers aren’t cartoonishly evil and corrupt.

Its almost as annoying as a website that has an autoplaying video ad with no clear way to turn it off.

Still, it could be worse. They could switch over to Kinja.

Which is why this show is a fucking joke

Ah, I figured you knew Star Wars, just musing if someone was new to it I’d probably start with this or the clone wars  show 

A rare photo of Reese throwing ice cream Withoutherspoon.

I’m beginning to think this whole “Twitter” thing wasn’t such a good idea.

Well, since I’m a cool, older person, I’ll tell you my theory, that it is. Yes, well you may well ask, what is my theory. my theory that I have follows the lines I am about to relate. Ahem.

1) Gibbons got all the money from Watchmen, Lloyd got all the money from V for Vendetta, Campbell got all the money from From Hell. Alan Moore does not take money.

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I’m defending him because firing people over statements that have nothing to do with their job is idiotic in general, and firing people over ten-year old jokes is mind-numbingly, through-the-looking-glass insane. There is absolutely no sense of context or ability to ignore, let alone forgive, any perceived offense