
Even a moronic, hideously racist, shit-spewing, unspeakably evil, insecure manbaby of a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I’m generally a pacifist, but if a super-powered being is about to toast a family of non-super-powered humans to death, then I honestly can’t blame another super-powered being for doing everything in his capacity to stop him, including killing him.

It’s always been my favorite. I don’t think I’d ever argue it was a better film than the other two, but I still love it.

I like the Sir Ian McKellen method.

Wait, there are people who don’t already know this?? It was obvious to me the first time I saw it in the theater and I was five years old at the time. Luke looks down at his mechanical hand, realizing that he’ll become like Vader if he kills him.

I promise if I buy the AVClub, I will rehire all the old staff, and chain them to their desks.  

To quote a GOOD Lex Luthor “half-baked objectivist” I will go to my grave believing that putting the people from the Timmverse/DCAU/BTAS/JLU/etc. in charge of DC movie stories would fix most of their problems.

And “We want whatthey have but don’t want to do the work,”

I dunno, I think Blomkamp’s combination of violent grit, wry humor, and social commentary is a perfect fit for Robocop. I liked Chappie more than most, and Elysium was compelling AF (even if the final third was a complete mess).

This is exactly the comment I was going to write. District 9 was excellent and while his follow-up movies weren’t amazing they were at least swinging for the fences.

3) Return the site to a format where readers can easily find the content that interests them.

No mention of literally every park ever made in Roller Coaster Tycoon which everyone knows was more or less a hands on physics experiment about seeing how far and high you could launch virtual people to their deaths? Bad list.

Pinocchio’s Pleasure Island..come and make an ass of yourself!

It’s so strange that people miss Disqus now. Back when we had Disqus, everyone hated it. It’s like George W. Bush vs. Donald Trump, if Disqus killed a million Middle Eastern civilians.

My favorite thing about the fan remake of TLJ is when a few of these chuds actually roll out their ideas in the Twitter threads (since of course the plot of the remake would be crowdsourced). They’re so emboldened by being gaming-chair critics, raised on a diet of Plinkett and CinemaSins, that they think their

Wow, that’s disgusting. Kevin Smith loves his wife??? How gross.

Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.

I get that at some point George Lucas went crazy and became convinced that everything about the original movies was deeply flawed due to a lack of budget and technology, but I really wish the new films had kept the slower Kurosawa-influenced fights of the original movies.

Yeah the wait is killing me.  I did this with WoT as well and Jordan left the mortal coil before he could finish (with Sanderson being hired to come in and finish the series).  It is awful.  And dont get me started on ASoIaF...