
That is certainly true, battybrain. Annhilation had ideas it wanted to examine, and it should be lauded for at least that. I also found it fascinating with ideas worth exploring in the early going.......

glad to meet another “farts aren’t all that funny” believer. i never got those moments on “all in the family” when archie flushes the toilet off-stage as some kind of comment to meathead & the audience convulses in laughter. sadly, i write children’s plays so i have to have a few farts now and then.

“Jeez, can’t you give someone else a turn to be outraged for once? Maybe someone who actually belongs to the marginalized group in question?”

Ha ha ha, look at the noob who thinks the A.V. Club has editors.

Aren’t you British? *cough*Your useless monarchy!*cough*

The Supreme Court is a deeply weird thing that a lot of people don’t totally understand. Kennedy was appointed by Reagan. He used to be about as conservative as Roberts is right now. Roberts, in his 10 years has shifted more and more to being a moderate. With the exception of Thomas and Alito, conservative justices

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

It’s a Dunkin Donuts. What standards do you think there are? A personality test and a social media deep dive of everyone who pays the franchise fee? The standards, the only standards, are that you are financially solvent and don’t set off an axe-murderer vibe when you meet with them.

The people who voted for Trump didn’t see the democratic norms as helping them at all when their jobs dried up and their incomes shrank over several decades. There are many many reasons for that of course but Trump was the one who promised to remember the average person and help them - something a lot of politicians

“The rhythm of a meal.” - what kind of nonsense hipster bullshit is that? This is food, not orchestra. Chefs are so f’n full of themselves. 

But the ruling didn’t strike down the law, it just ruled that the enforcement of this law was biased and faulty.

PETA is expanding into biological warfare?

My desire is sometimes for theknock it down and build something better from scratch’ approach, but as you rightly point out, how many people would suffer in the interim (mostly black, LGBTQ and female, but also relatively poor white men like myself)?

How the fuck are you gonna vote for Bernie Sanders and then for Gary Johnson? Their proposed policies are almost diametrically opposed. 

Do yourself a favor, find a copy of the Principia Discordia. *fades back into the greys*

I know.....I think it’s just wishful thinking on my part that Dany doesn’t make it to the end because I’m not a fan of her character (at least at this point in the narrative).

I’m sorry that no one will touch your penis

People who use phrases like “SJW Wars” make me ashamed to be a Star Wars fan. I’d give up on it entirely, but I was here first.

The Av Club of old truly is dead. 

That “white male privilege” reading of Hereditary is some high-school film class level absurdity.