
“As you know, different guests, depending on where they are coming from, have different relative values in terms of their contribution as a guest to the park. Typically someone who travels and stays for 5-7 days is marginally more valuable to the business than someone who comes in on an annual pass and stays a day or

OTOH, if you end the movie after Defying Gravity (which I agree is the only choice, really), is there any musical highlights to bring people back for part 2?  I admit it’s been a while since I’ve seen the stage show, but I remember being struck that Wicked is really the prime example of stage musicals that burn

Hell, the trailers barely give away that it’s a musical, let alone only half of one.  Is there a single shot of people singing in there at all?

Yes.  If for no other reason than the early word of mouth.  Unless the movie is absolutely amazing, everyone not expecting the film to end halfway through the story is going to be seriously irritated when “To Be Continued” comes up after Defying Gravity.

It’s not the ones who go 20x a year that make them money. They have season passes, don’t buy 3 meals at the park, and already come in wearing merch, so they don’t need to buy more.

Disney makes it’s money on the families that show up once every couple of years and spend the same amount as it would cost to go to Europe

Don’t forget trying to cut out season pass holders because they don’t spend enough money in the park.

I genuinely love Disney, took my kids there for the first time last year and we all had a great time... but the nickel and diming is really tough to stomach.  It’s very class-based.  Just look at the idea of Genie+. 

It just seems impossibly naive that Snyder wouldn’t expect the film to show Trump in a negative light, especially for a man described as a “fixture at the festival where he socializes with other billionaires on his yacht.”

Eh. Jedi were/are always walking around talking about presences they feel and mumbo-jumbo stuff like that. And it would only help the storytelling to be seeing Anakin do some cool Force stuff, intentionally or unintentionally.

Is it just me, or is it harder than ever to follow the train of thought in articles on this site? I mean, is it that hard to stay focused on a single thesis for [checks notes] five straight paragraphs, without going on some weird tangent about another person or topic? You’d get a failing grade on a 7th grade essay if

I’ve said that since literally the moment I saw it.

It’s also lazy. Having people whack at each other with laser swords is cool-looking, but ultimately it’s pretty much just choreography. But figuring out what a good Force battle between a Jedi Master and a Sith lord would be like is hard.

I don’t think that’s really fair. The prequels are bad execution of some good ideas (as well as some bad ones, I grant you). And, for all their faults, there are genuinely exciting moments- and they are the idiosyncratic work of a director with connection to the material.

The sequels are technically flawless execution

And really, what does midicholorians buy you? Ok, so you have little psychic worms in you, but you’re just transferring the magic powers to the “intracelluar parasites” (h/t to @4jim). The Force isn’t any more explained as to what it is or how it works, it just gives you a mechanism to measure it now.  Is that really

For starters, we’re three movies in- it’s the most obvious idea in the world, and they’re just now getting around to it?  And if you’d follow the thread, the complaint is that no one in the military figured something that fucking basic out and used it as a strategy to kill the things.

That was exactly my thought.  Half the categories are already pop culture (especially if you stretch that term to include sports).  This is basically like saying “Here’s the game without all those annoying topics that feel like school-- you know, stuff that requires effort to learn.”

If she ever paid for that attitude and those choices... like EVER... and learned from her mistakes, that would make the show interesting. But she doesn’t, and I seriously doubt they’re going to change that.

Wheel of Time had a mediocre first season, but bounced back from it, to the point that I’m excited for the next one. I suppose it’s possible RoP could do the same... but they have a much bigger hole to climb out of.  That first season was REALLY rough.  

There’s being argumentative and then there’s being an outright troll.  Don’t be that guy.

He’s probably talking about Darth Maul, but you could make a case for Qui-Gon as well, I suppose.

Now playing

This video had some pretty interesting commentary on why FX work is affected by remastering. Probably not super surprising for anyone who’s got a background in the field, but it’s still pretty well done.

Agreed.  And maybe you’ve watched closer than I have- is there any actual clues or indicators that this is the first wave of some other species’ invasion plans?