
think the main flaw in your thinking (and many people’s around this subject) is to assume that the shortcomings of the models we have today will persist for any length of time”

There’s a lot of technology that this is the case with though. Cold fusion has been “10 years away” for decades now. Sometimes the last 10%

I don’t think human created art is ever going to go away.  I don’t, for instance, see many people putting up AI created art on their walls.  But for cheap consumer crap, I think it’ll be more and more common.

I have heard it argued (on the Kingcast, which I highly recommend) that this ending is supposed to drive home the point that you can never give up hope- Jane’s character is punished for allowing despair to win. Meaning it’s actually a very vindictive/mean-spirited optimism?

I’d be fine if he stopped at 9 at this point.

You’re not wrong, you’re just not noticing that the AVClub of late has consistently confused what the correct target for snark should be, and instead just sprays it everywhere, completely devoid of any considered editorial intent.

c’mon, you’ve got to see the humor in this right?”

Actually... no. Maybe if the scales in this country weren’t so fucking titled to corporations in the first place, but at this point the only way to hold one accountable for anything is to sue it.  I’m guessing this kind of bullshit is rampant, and I’m glad that

Side note, but someone please explain what in the hell the point of releasing this (or anything, really) in 8K IMAX is?

Is there an 8K projector anywhere in the country even? Most theaters project 2K or maybe 4K, AFAIK. There’s certainly no point in having an 8K projector in your home theater, unless your screen is 50

Push back and... do what, precisely?

Make it illegal to use AI? Fine, but that only applies to countries that pass the laws. You think China and Russia are going to ignore AI capabilities?

In the long term, you’re right, but in the short term, I don’t know that this is true. We’ve never seen an elimination of jobs on the scale to which there’s potential to happen in the next decade or so, if the techbro predictions come true. Societies with high unemployment don’t take long to break down into civil

That’s a well-reasoned, optimistic take that I needed to hear.  Thanks.

They’re not, but I don’t believe that’s the right question, either.

It’s not just about whether or not you can tell it’s AI though. It’s about the actual emotional impact of the piece- the artisitic quality- and the ease with which it works.

Take image generators. Trying to get any of them to create very specific images can be very tricky, especially if it’s a remotely original idea.

Everyone else loses: not just artists, but also consumers, who are expected to pay the same price for objectively inferior content.”

I took issue with calling her a scapegoat. She’s not a scapegoat.

It’s not basic incompetence. Basic incompetence in the prop department would be leaving the right character bin at the lockup or packing the wrong purses.

She’s not a scapegoat for anything. The set armorer allowed REAL (as in “intended to propel a projectile” and “designed use for target practice and self-defense”) BULLETS in her prop guns.

I think it’s too early to tell. I’ve played around enough with the image generators enough to know that they are deeply, deeply stupid in the way you’re describing. They can’t iterate, they all have weird hang-ups, and it’s really rare to get the thing to spit out an image that matches what’s in your head.

Trying to

the crypto and NFT space is largely dominated by menidiots and grifters.

Dull zombie-food side characters, inane plotting, paper thin characterizations, and overally shitty scripts?  Sounds like the reason I gave up on the original show.

He’s not really “announcing” it. It’s not like he called a press conference to say he wasn’t making an endorsement. He got asked a question in an interview.

FWIW, I can’t pick on the guy for this.  I’m perfectly happy to never have to know what any given celebrity thinks about politics ever again.  And, as Michael