
Yes, because the only place lists ever exist are on IMDb, and that’s the only one you could possibly have been referring to.  Smart ass.

I’m not familiar with the top ten list you’re talking about, but I’d wager that virtually all of them are the episode long battles. There is skill in putting that together, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not the same kind of lift as intricately planned dialogue and character development.

From the best Simpsons episode ever.

3 Body Problem is pretty good. But keep in mind, it’s an adaptation, as was GoT... until they got ahead of where the books were. Coincidentally, that’s when the quality started dropping. They can adapt well, but when it comes to coming up with entirely new material they’re untested, at the very least.

it largely avoided this stuff except for Great Balls of Fire.” *raises eyebrow”.

I don’t think Beetlejuice Beetlejuice can even in theory have the same level of impact on today’s 10-year-olds as the other three movies did on the 10-year-olds of that era.”

It’s not supposed to.  This is aimed squarely at 40year olds.

I don’t think the quality of Road House is the issue- no one is going to bat for it as a pinnacle of, well, anything, really. It’s that it’s just so goddamn weird and distinct that remaking it is pointless, because there’s no way to recapture the over the top essence of what makes people return to it.

I think he was looking for remakes of 80s movies, not remakes made in the 80s.  

I’d add Evil Dead to that list, but yeah, outside of horror films, it’s pretty bleak.

Dick Tracy deserves 4 stars, for the production design/cinematography alone.  I haven’t watched it recently to see if the story holds up, but honestly, I don’t care.  They’re all having too much fun making the movie for it not to still work.

He’s certainly slipped a bit, but Maher remains just about the only host on TV that has actual conversations with people from multiple points of view, and who will call bullshit on his own group if he thinks it needs to be done.  For that alone, he’s worth having on the air.

Well, if I wasn’t depressed before...

This movie rocks. I defy anyone to see it with a crowd and not have fun. 

Do newer voters think he’s pretentious or that watching his art is like “homework,” as one Twitter/X user suggested? Have his Marvel comments actually pissed that many people off? We’ll probably never know, but it’s certainly an odd look for the Academy.

I did include that option.  It’s the only one that makes sense to me.

Trust your feelings.

I would argue your point is only true individually, not in totality. In other words, and not to get too pretentious it, any individual piece of art is luxury, but to call entertainment in general something no one needs is just not really true. Art has existed in literally every civilization since the dawn of humanity.

Here, a lot of people got used to the idea that they should just get to see whatever TV shows they want without paying for them,”

There being WORSE options doesn’t mean capitalism doesn’t have major flaws, especially as it currently functions.