
It’s not “new” per se, but the techbros have really made it into a formula and combined it with all the worst aspects of capitalism. It’s essentially the Bain Capital model for entire industries.

You’re forgetting step 0: Make the product/industry slightly shittier than the way it worked before, trusting that step 1 (giving it away for free or significant undercutting) will carry you past the decrease in quality.

Then, in step 3, you can completely ignore all quality concerns, since your monopoly is firmly

Just like with Netflix, there isn’t really any way to STOP password sharing, though.

My wife is a teacher, and gets involved in some of the district planning, test creation, etc from time to time. Some of the writing that goes on in these committees is legitimately worrisome. She’s shown me paragraphs that I would’ve said were malfunctioning ChatGTP work, if they hadn’t been written well before it was

I have.  They’re light, but no more so than plenty of so-called “adult” authors (Tom Clancy, James Patterson, Dan Brown, etc).

Using the Force to open automatic doors is the way.

No one’s saying you can’t have variety. showdetective isn’t saying you can’t have Kraft Mac & Cheese for dinner once in a while, just that if you don’t eat anything more complex EVER, it’s a bit immature.

I’ve never understood takes like this.

If he’s good in the good movies, just watch those.  If you don’t like the junk food movies, don’t watch those.  The fact that he can switch between them doesn’t make his good performances any worse.

See, that’s the thing. It’s not even maximizing shareholder value. It’s about maximizing day trader share value. Someone who was a true stakeholder, a long term investor, would want the stock to go up over the long term, and not care about quarter over quarter so much. I’m in my 40s. IDGAF if my IRA loses money one or


Your number on a call sheet doesn’t change day to day.  It’s for the run of the production.

I think you’re drastically underestimating how much people use Amazon to buy stuff. It’s almost 40% of ALL online commerce.

This week, he was forced to talk about the second.”

“Forced” is doing an awful lot of work in that sentence.  Ignoring the fuck out of Twitter is also an option, and I would argue its the far superior one.

I’m not even sure the first one was a movie that demanded a movie.

If suddenly Prime Video was free, I’m sure Prime subscriptions would fall because most people don’t profit from free shipping alone”

Either I don’t understand what you’re saying, or you have this exactly backwards.

I would wager multiple American dollar-bucks that if you took a poll of the Prime users, the ones who

Predictable as the fucking tides, though.  What’s better than getting revenue through subscriber fees or ad rates?  Getting revenue through subscriber fees AND ad rates.

I’ve been a fan of Garland’s stuff (though I haven’t seen Men yet), but this looks deeply stupid.

Or, maybe it isn’t all intentional, and Nolan just made a shitty movie with great visuals?

That thread is exactly correct, in just about every aspect.

There is absolutely, positively, 100% no excuse for live (as in normal, standard, buy-at-Walmart) bullets to be anywhere near prop guns, and it is the armorer’s job to keep it that way.

Others might be responsible too, but the simple fact is that this gun had a real bullet in it, and there is only one person that is in