
You honestly have to be kidding. 18 year olds are children now?

The whole thing is barely 60 seconds long, and its supposed to sell us on watching the thing. Not bothering to finish effects on a couple dozen shots so they could put out respectable looking images for the fucking Super Bowl is either cheap, lazy, or both.

Looks like the Great and Powerful Oz movie only with singing.  Bunch of green screen CGI with no soul to it.

That’s a good point.  That Coyote has an awful lot of disposable income for someone who’s ostensibly starving.

The race is to see what happens first: will enough of the audience catch on and revolt, or will they kneecap enough of the industry that there’s nothing else left and the audience will just take the crap that’s left because it’s all that’s available?

I’m not sure that I’d even call the Road Runner sadistic, really.  I mean, the Coyote IS trying to eat it after all.  Almost all of the Coyote’s misfortunes are more or less self-inflicted.

They’re expensive as fuck, and are set in a time period that Americans generally remember (vaguely) as homework they didn’t enjoy.

I love the Temeraire books. I’d love to see them made (it’d be a dream project for me, truth be told).  But I get why people have had a hard time making it happen.

It’s not about blowing up the box office. An absolutely huge part of the equation is just being able to get in the damn room. Just in LA, there are thousands of pretty brunettes that could play the same roles as Dakota Johnson, and a fair percentage of them are probably pretty good actors too.

Did the Supsiria remake get a lot of hate? Maybe from the Jason Voorhees crowd, I suppose, but the horror fans I know were warm-to-ecstatic about it. Personally, I didn’t care for it much, but I haven’t really seen anyone “shitting” on it.

I don’t think that’s the argument you think it is.

If Hollywood execs are willing to greenlight and release movies as bad as Transformers 9, how bad did Batgirl have to be for them to think “let’s just take the tax break and get 30% (or whatever it is) back on our money)“?

That’s Michael Mann’s MO though.  One of the things that make him such a pain in the ass to work for (I’ve heard) is his absolutely insane attention to detail.

Huh.  Guess it’s not just me.  How long you think it is before they just scrap the commenting system completely?

Stuff that’s amazingly good gets released. I promise you, no one was sitting down to watch The Mothership and said “Hmm. This is absolutely incredible, and everyone will want to see it, but we’re over-budget, so... nah.”

Maybe it was just “ok”, maybe it was terrible. But it wasn’t a strong enough film enough to

Shudder’s $60 a year or whatever is the perfect price point that will keep me there forever.  They curate a good library of older films, and they are the absolute best place for indie horror films to find a home.  I’ll support them just for the second reason, even if I only find the time to catch a movie on Shudder

I’m not sold that the streaming model SHOULD be saved. It really isn’t a better model for anyone except a handful of C-Suiters. Not companies, who have constant churn of subscribers. Not the production companies and artists, whose work can disappear at the whim of an accountant.

None of the Disney+ characters appear in the sequels, so either they all die in between ROTJ and TFA, or they were alive in the background of the sequel trilogy and did absolutely nothing of note”

If the only story you that you think matters is who’s running the government, sure. But that’s the inherent problem with

Maybe if TLJ had been part of an original plan, and they’d actually laid groundwork for it, it might have worked (also losing a gambling world subplot completely).  But the sequels chose to wildly swing from idea to idea with each subsequent entry, ensuring their complete pointlessness forever.

And that’s being very generous.


Why on earth would the creator’s opinion matter?  The people giving the awards should get to make the rules for how to give them.  Otherwise it’s kind of like letting running backs decide what counts as a touchdown.