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He gives me a very John Ford vibe, which I appreciate. Most questions interviewers ask are absolutely inane.

the best of Disney’s SW movies and the best SW movie outside of the OT”

This... is not the high praise you think it is.

I see plenty of OT Star Wars stuff around. You can almost always find something with Vader, Yoda or Chewie on it. Leia, Han, and Luke a little less common, but it wouldn’t be that hard. I don’t know if you could even find a Rey or Poe shirt in a store that wasn’t on Disney property.

Which has fuck-all to do with quality. (See: lifetime gross of Transformers franchise).

A three hour movie is a much more intense, emotionally/intellectually draining experience than even a 10 hour television series can be.

Partially because there’s a comforting rhythm that forms in the beginning-middle-end of watching TV shows versus the single arc of a movie. And most people aren’t binging the kind of

Maybe the fact that his previous two films were both deeply in need of some editing made people look at the 179 minute run time and say “nah”.  That’s certainly what happened with me.

Imagine that. An entire career of being called difficult to work with, and suddenly no one wants to work with you.

Interesting, yes. Good? Emotionally satisfying? Debatable (and has been pretty much since it came out).

It’s not insane. The sequel trilogy made plenty of money, sure, but each film made subsequently way less than the one before it. Almost half of that 4.5B was the first movie, and while there’s no way to measure it, I’d guess that the vast majority of that was people buying tickets to see the OT characters back on

To each their own as far as enjoyment of the individual movies are concerned, but it’s hard to say that TLJ wasn’t objectively a big hurdle for Disney.

There’s zero chance that Rey movie happens.  No one cares about the ST characters.

And we all know how well that turned out.

So what’s the over/under on whether or not this break between theatrical SW movies is longer than the other two (16 years between Jedi and the Prequels, 10 between RoTS and Force Awakens).

This.  Whatever else you can say about Disney as a company, visiting the parks can be genuinely joyful.

Van Helsing has always had my vote for the worst mainstream film every made.

That’s precisely what I’m saying. I’m not sure it runs afoul of anything. If you say up front that each player will only be allowed to find one DD per game (or per round, or whatever the criteria is), it’s above board.

The fact that there’s strategy at all sets it above most American game shows.  

That doesn’t solve the problem brought up in the article about how the sequence of categories “trains” contestants and viewers how to answer, though.

Agreed.  I barely even pay attention to the contestants.  I’m trying to give the question before the answer is even finished being read (or I’ll cheat and pause it if the question is on the tip of my tongue).

One solution to that might be to limit the number of times the daily doubles come up for a player-- one, or max two, per episode.  It’d be pretty simple to program that nowadays.