
The flip side, obviously is that the producers might not have the stomach for much work stoppage either, and be more willing to negotiate with IATSE this time around than they have been with the writers and actors... but I’m not holding my breath on that.

That last contract was a mixed bag to be sure. It was the first time in my nearly 15 years in the union that I’d seen literally ANY gains in a contract other than token raises. So in that respect it was a victory.

I still think we should have gone on strike and should have pushed for more, because the leadership did

People’s complaints aren’t always fair when they’re scared. After four months of being out of work- and at this point it’s looking unlikely much will start up before the new year- IATSE members are getting very nervous about mortgages and health care, among other things.

I think that grumbling is inevitable. You can’t have people out of work for months with absolutely no gain for themselves and not expect to hear some complaints. Especially now that mortgages and health care are starting to be at risk.

And not to be too combative about it, but the idea of SAG/WGA supporting IATSE when

Even if it was a million people did the double feature, that’s only 10-20 million dollars.

I think what mattered was the talk about Barbenheimer kept both of them in the news cycle and trending on people’s feeds and enticing people to see the films separately rather than the double-feature really making that big a

I actually hope that’s a troll, because any other option is just too bleak to consider.

I’m ok with Vader at number one, because it’s still Vader.  But having Palptine anywhere besides 1 or 2 is just straight trolling.

This list is a joke.

It’s still possible.  The whole thing was so ham-handed it all smacks of someone behind the scenes forcing the situation.

It’s the same people, at least on my feeds.

I imagine it’s also to prevent people from filming the performance.

Monitoring this kind of shit probably is somewhere on the list, too.

I haven’t seen fortitude. What’s the vibe there (besides presumbaly “intense”).

Now playing

Actually, someone does say “fuck” in Beetlejuice:

It’s been said many times before, but a PG in the 80s is very different from a PG now. The “G” rating has essentially disappeared, and PG-13 covers a REALLY wide range of content.

Don’t feel too bad— I know a lot of people that can’t handle horror. Is it the gore or the suspense that bothers you?

The only thing that really seems to work is immersion therapy-- eventually you get desensitized to both, but that hill is pretty high for a lot of people to climb.  And there’s always stuff that will

It’s rich people playing craps, only it affects your retirement funds. 

That actually sounds like a really good idea.  There’s not nearly enough horror in theater.

The fx in the movie are pretty minimal.  Other than one stunt at the end that they could easily adapt into something more stage friendly, I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be easily transferred to live theater.

I’d honestly be pretty surprised if there weren’t major stars who refused too, given how full of woo-woo nonsense Hollywood can be. We just don’t hear about it. It’s only the C-list stars (who are easily replaced) that you hear about.

Yes. That’s what happens when one side refuses to come back to the table and continue negotiating- the dispute draws out.