
We don’t know that for sure, but even so, it’s analogy. Maybe it’s just a shitty car that doesn’t run well, and shouldn’t have been approved in the first place.

The point is, there does come a time at which it doesn’t make sense to give workers a say in how the business side of the business is run.

I agree this is gross and unfortunate, but as I pointed out above, giving workers control over what happens to a product after its made doesn’t really make a lot of sense.  It’d be like the UAW demanding an automaker keep making a car that doesn’t sell.

It’s partially a function of the way it works today. A lot of shows get straight to series orders, whereas that was unheard of in the good-old-days of the traditional pilot system.

I don’t think you can really make that work. Imagine the UAW telling Ford or Toyota they have to release a car with faulty brakes. (Yes, I understand no one dies if a shitty TV show comes out, but I hope you see the underlying point).

They can put it on their resumes, but it does them a hell of a lot less good than if they could point people to an episode to go watch. (Getting footage from shows is notoriously difficult unless you have a reason to be involved in the post process).

Its not the heads of studios— it’s the heads of multi-national conglomerate companies for which making a film or a television show is only a portion (sometimes a tiny one) of what they do.

To be fair, I don’t think anyone really considers him a flight risk. He’d never turn down the publicity, and he is still running for president.  Skipping the country would be an admission that he might lose, and he simply isn’t capable of it.

Now, if he actually gets convicted, they’d better hold him in custody,

Yeah, I didn’t see that in the first post of the thread, my fault.

I don’t understand.  Theaters aren’t employers for writers or actors, so it wouldn’t be legal for them to be picketed.

To be fair, the guilds haven’t asked for boycotts. And I’m not sure they’d help anyways. There’s about 200K members between the two guilds. Even if every one of them got 10 people to boycott, you’d still only have 2 million people cancelling services.  Most services see that kind of churn every month anyways, so it’d

The problem is that gets sticky- especially with movies, since the royalties for theatrical still do actually pay decently well.  It’ll hurt the studios, but it will also hurt the writers and actors.  It’s one reason WGA/SAG haven’t asked for boycotts.

So, from your complete unwillingness to engage with the idea that the disappearance of residuals might not actually be offset by a small upfront raise, I assume you’re conceding that. Same with the abusive nature of how writing actually works in the real world.

There are undoubtedly more writers than there are jobs.

Except you’re ignoring (willfully, I wager) that the system in place doesn’t allow for people to work consistently, and does so because that benefits the exact companies that are being struck right now. And it was made to work this way, systematically over the last 10-15 years, by those same companies.

*sells, not *sells like crazy.

Pretty much every part of Disney’s revenue is down this year, except for the parks, and that’s largely because they’ve raised prices significantly and added a bunch of extra fees to those visits, since attendance is down.

I think you have it backward. AI is completely up to writing full scripts— as a first draft. It’ll be soulless and trite, but it will exist. What AI can’t do is give a scene some creative flair, or generate something truly original. It can’t punch up comedy (or horror, or drama for that matter), at least not reliably.

I’d wager the AMPTP thought that having all the CEOs in the room would be intimidating, as well as communicate finality of the offer.  It’s old-school strong arm tactics, but I don’t think it carries the weight it once had.  

This is the only acceptable take.

“Everyone” is a serious stretch here.  I can personally guarantee its not accurate.

Do you actually understand anything about the business you’re talking about, or did you just spend 30 seconds googling the 2020 contract?

As BuriedAliveOpener says, how many scripts and jobs do you think writers actually write a year? 14K for an outline and a script sounds great, until you have to make that last for

The phenomena isn’t new, but as with a lot of things (politicization, spread of misinformation, etc) its been put into overdrive with the rise of social media, and that IS new (relatively, anyway).

Public shaming is nothing new, nor are strong feelings about it (just ask Nathanial Hawthorne). But the speed and totality