
The businesses could have agreed to set up pay structures that didn’t turn writing and acting into barely sustainable gig work for all but the top tier.

Who’s declaring a badge of honor or trying to decide what gets made?

Unless its the Paul Feig remake.

No, it looks bad that a bunch of greedy companies worth billions (or in a couple of cases trillions) of dollars have kept the industry on strike for close to four months now.

Great. Now I’m depressed and terrified.

This guy is the richest person on the planet.

Just because the general public doesn’t care about the distinctions doesn’t make them easy to follow (though I will grant they don’t seem to be so inclined). The question is whether or not all this is complicated. I maintain it is, you just don’t seem to care, and seem to be arguing that most people don’t either.

You’ve already put more thought into this than Disney asked anyone else to.

I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again, but it absolutely floors me that Disney spent 4 billion dollars on Star Wars (ok, technically Lucasfilm, but... c’mon), and didn’t bother to have anyone write down a plan for the three sequel films that could have fit on so much as a cocktail napkin.

Because my experience with the Disney plus shows I have watched (as well as the description provided here of this one) leads me to believe that the same mistakes are being made in the TV shows as with the features.

He may have moved the story forward with those animated shows, but drawing so many characters from them,

I’d pay money to know what JJ had planned when he first set all that up in TFA, if I thought for a minute he had anything figured out ahead of time.

The problem is that line is about as far as the credibility for SW can stretch. You hire seasoned British actors like Alec Guinness so they can obscure that you’re toeing that line, and he barely pulls it off. The Disney shows fly past that line on a speeder bike and head straight into a tree.

There’s so many obvious choices that would have been so much better, let alone ones that involve a bit of creativity. Just having Obi-Wan get dragged into a Seven Samurai- or Yojimbo-style story (on or off Tatooine) would have made so much sense, and would’ve paid homage to the Kurosawa roots of the series.  But that

And I’d argue that even the stuff they do include is -at best- annoyingly wonky in the timeline.  It’s been said before, but c’mon- Leia sends a message to Obi-Wan in ANH, but talks about how he served her father in the Clone Wars but nothing about how he rescuers her from Imperial kidnappers?

Prequels definitely kill narrative tension, but with Obi-Wan, it goes way deeper than just not being concerned for the characters’ well-being.

Agreed.  It just seems like more and more of the Disney snake eating its own tail.  I’m sure the animated series is great, but when you’ve got a franchise that consistently can’t get over it’s own navel gazing, maybe having Filoni just keeping pulling it back into his own even smaller sandbox isn’t the best way forwad.

This has to be a joke, right? I’ve been a SW fan for almost 40 years, but I never watched The Clone Wars. I’ve never heard of Ezra Bridger, and this article almost single-handedly makes the case that Ahsoka isn’t going to matter to me.

There’s cases already working their way through the courts that are about exactly that.  How those get decided are going to be the really critical cases for this tech going forward.

Try explaining it to someone that doesn’t closely follow pop culture and/or entertainment news.

Exactly. People create stories because they want to connect and get them out there in the world. I don’t know if that will ever die, but if we kill the ability of people to even hope that it’s going to amount to a career, then you’re going to nosedive the interest for people. You can only push that for so long on pure