
It probably isn’t “really” an IMAX screen either.  There’s only like 19 of them in the entire world.

There’s also a bit of a tonal difference in the two (I’m assuming, since I haven’t seen Oppenheimer yet). I mean, it’s technically possible that Nolan made the story of the father of the atomic bomb into a straightfoward Romeo & Juliet-esque populist story instead of a cold, emotionally distant story with a nonlinear

Look, I’m all in favor of this pairing, and I like the fun of it all, but can we stop pretending 20,000 people is actually that big a deal?  Even at inflated ticket prices, that’s not even half a million dollars.  It’s not even a blip on a box office radar.

If any of those announced movies actually happen, I’ll eat my stormtrooper helmet.

They did the impossible: they made the prequels look good by comparison.

I suppose.  Kind makes it even more pathetic, though, right?  Dude can’t even troll well enough to avoid places where they actually give a fuck about the comment section.

“Talking” about shows (plural) would be one thing. Devoting 40% of your article to an entirely different show is just poor planning.

We could also talk about how thin eight paragraphs is in general compared to the in-depth FYC pieces from the AVClub of old, but we probably don’t need to go that far.

Are you on some kind of weird troll training program where you have to start by haunting the barely functional comment section of an entertainment site?

Do you send screenshots to the underside of a bridge somewhere hoping they’ll give you a username and password for Twitter?

Out of eight paragraphs in this article, three of them are about an entirely different show. Is this a sample piece to get a job writing for a Disney+ Star Wars show?

It’s been a while, and I didn’t expend much effort to remember the film, but didn’t it also end up being some kind of “love makes things possible” bit at the end too?

That gets a star.

Sorceress”, but yes, the point is accurate.

So what you’re saying is it’s Nancy Myers fault that Fallon has The Tonight Show?

Interstellar was where Nolan starting losing his touch for me.  It’s visually stunning, can’t take that away, but it really just doesn’t work as a story for me.  

The guy who directed Tenet finds the “audiovisual experience” more important than plot? Yeah, that tracks.

The comparison of where they’re at is pretty nuts:


Wait, this site covers TV shows?  With, like, articles and reviews?

The Emmys meant something when there were 3 channels and 20 or 30 primetime shows total on the air. And even during the Peak TV era, when HBO and AMC were in their prime, it still made some sense.