
I know you think you’re making everyone angry, but honestly, I just find it sad that anyone over the age of 12 years old still thinks it’s a valuable use of their time to go around trying to piss off strangers. I mean, how pathetic does someone’s life have to be that this is the best use of his time?

It’s not anger I

It’s a good story, but I feel like at this point mentioning it in a Die Hard article is kind of like talking about how Harrison Ford was sick with the flu for the swordsman “duel” in Raiders; most people already know.

The key difference is the “per view” metric. In the olden days of network shows (think ABC, CBS, etc), residuals were paid every time a show aired. More popular shows aired more often, and the more popular episodes of those shows were picked for repeats more often. Getting a show syndicated meant a bonanza for

Copyright wouldn’t work that way, even if Snow White wasn’t a story in public domain when it was produced.

You’re thinking of ownership rights, which usually (but not always) have some kind of “use-it-or-lose-it” clause.

Wait- a “multi-hour” look at the current state of The Walking Dead?  That HAS to be a joke, right?  How is that show still on the air?

Ok, Mr. I-Did-Eight-Seconds-Of-Research, do you actually think all those actors who are making $1082 are working every day? Because they’re not.

Literally no actor, not even the biggest stars on the biggest shows, works every day. Guest stars on a show might work three or four days, maybe. Plenty of those roles are one

Kindly go fuck yourself.

Happy? Is that what you came here for? Do you get a troll cookie now?

Mostly because they ALSO get fucked over by the studios/employers/etc.

I sincerely doubt it.

Yes and no. Superhero movies are heavily represented in the top movies of the year, but the overall box office is down, and I think it’s pretty safe to say the excitement around them (give or take a Spider-Verse) has dropped off considerably.  So fatigue is probably as good a name for it as anything.

I’d like to think that some of that is the fact that both labor and management in sports are people who are fantastically wealthy. The WGA does have a bit of a hill to climb to convince the population that writers don’t all actually make hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars a year (very few do), whereas even

They can’t, because they rely on stars who are too big. You can’t tie Tom Hiddleston up for 4-6 months a year starring in an on-going Loki show (plus whatever movies they drag him into). You notice that Mando doesn’t have any major movie stars in it.  It’s no coincidence that Pascal’s face never appears in the show.

Dunno if the cardboard box thing was their invention (could certainly have been), but it’s become pretty standard now.

I don’t disagree with any of your points about Rachel being downgraded in agency for TDK, but something still bugs me about calling it a fridging... I think it’s that sometimes stories just end up without having further use for a character- especially a side character.  Sometimes, the only thing left for them to do is

I mean, it’s all subjective and kind of silly, I admit, but you’re not really being consistent with your thought process here. How is Jenny Calender being killed not a fridging under that thought process?

Or Newt and Hicks for that matter? Why does it have to be a bad guy and not random happenstance, if the underlying

I hope you mean embarrassing for the movie, and not you, because you should not be at all embarrassed you can’t understand that incoherent mess of a movie.

Nah.  The budget on both of them was $100 Million.  It’s really not that hard to make that back unless the films totally crash and burn.

The cheapness seems like a critical component to me— which is why I think the time spent developing the character first matters. It’s the idea that the character seems disposable. Which I assume is what prompted the whole concept in the first place; treating women as disposable instead of fully fledged human beings.

I still think time is an important factor that you’re ignoring. I haven’t watched Secret Invasion and don’t plan to, so this isn’t a hill I’ll die on, but Maria Hill had been in plenty of other Marvel things before this.

Again, I don’t think the term works that way. Rachel’s death isn’t the inciting incident, it affects multiple characters, and she wasn’t introduced solely to be killed.  She isn’t the biggest role in the film but she also doesn’t do nothing, either.  If the term is to have any meaningful use, it can’t be applied to