
Take your star

Inasmuch as they think prisons should be money-making endeavors and ways to punish your enemies with their location... I’d say, yeah, they don’t understand what prisons are. (Or maybe they understand them all too well in today’s America)

The D&D movie got slaughtered by the fact that it was D&D. Stranger Things might* be a big hit, but it doesn’t have D&D in the title.

Nerds (and studio execs) have been consistently overestimating the nerd market share since at least Snakes On A Plane. If it doesn’t have general audience appeal, it’s not going to be

“Mean-spirited political point scoring” is pretty much the only thing Owens and Shapiro know how to do, isn’t it?

So, yes.

My point is that tickets are already expensive, before or after Ticketmaster fees, and fans don’t blame artists now. Or if they do, they don’t complain enough that they don’t buy the tickets anyways.

And honestly, I don’t think anyone selling tickets through Ticketmaster really couldn’t afford to make slightly less

Ok, dude. Yes, you’re right. Now that you’ve finished knocking down every straw man you can find and totally ignored everything I actually said, I understand that your idea (which is against the time and financial interest of everyone involved) is completely and one hundred percent what not only should but does happen

I know I’m being more literal than is strictly necessary here, but I’m not sure that blowing up a pipeline actually makes the planet more habitable. It would almost certainly cause a spill of some kind, and also cause a lot of energy supply problems. Neither of those would be good in the short term for humans or any

At which point the agency is sinking tons of money into someone on speculation, which is exactly the opposite of how agencies work. They don’t want to put any money into anyone that isn’t already making them money, and they don’t want to jeopardize that person continuing to make them money. (And again, remember that

“Almost” is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting there, lol.  I don’t disagree with you, yet I still find myself having absolutely no trouble not feeling sorry for Elon Musk.

Would it matter? Are you going to cancel the purchase if Ticketmaster turns out to be gouging you on fees? What’s that number that makes you do so?

If you’ve already mentally accepted you’re going to pay $200 for a ticket to a show, when do you decide the fees are too much?  $25?  $50?  $100?  I think most people are

I am not a PJ fan really at all, but I have gotten the impression that they just really don’t like the way Ticketmaster does business, and fight it out of principle.  I can respect that.

Tickets are already stupid expensive, with or without the fees.  Fans might complain, but they still go to the shows, so who cares who they blame?

(Apparently, other artists have resisted this model for fear that the appearance of a higher price will turn fans off from buying tickets.)“

Who are these deeply stupid people that think customers willing to pay sometimes hundreds of dollars for a concert ticket are going to be going to be less pissed off by seeing

See my second paragraph. The Venn diagram of things that you suggets could conceivably happen and things that I suggest realistically would happen are two completely separate circles.

This, one hundred times over.  Look no further than the sequel trilogy, which seems to have had less planned out ahead of time than you could fit on a cocktail napkin.

If you’re trying to make an argument to let Star Wars slip quietly under a porch somewhere and die, you’re succeeding.

Got nothing big to add there, but I still feel it needs a co-sign.

I’d prefer we get away from the nostalgia bait spinoff stuff and create some new stories, especially given how shitty the stories about established characters have been, but most of all I’m just disappointed in how awful the writing has been in general.

The problem isn’t they’ve moved on to other Star Wars material to reference, it’s that they can’t seem to find ways to make a story work without being referential. It’s a story about an entire galaxy with thousands of years of history.

They could try just telling a new story that doesn’t depend on references.