
It’s usually not the producing company that sets the budgets, it’s the networks. So it’s very possible this cost-cutting is being imposed upon the shows.

I know I’ve seen that video, though I don’t remember what the upshot was.  I admit my dislike for the Disney live-action remakes is a tad irrational, but hell, that’s what the internet is for.  Irrational anger at trivial things.

WB doesn’t have money to release the movies it’s already made.  You think they got logo redesign money???

Yes, they killed off virtually all the characters that people know and love from the original series, as well as the most compelling character (which is still not saying much) from the Sequel Trilogy... but what would you say if they bring back Palpatine again?  Huh?  Huh?

Because quality editing and legitimate entertainment journalism just don’t cut it nowadays, I suppose.

(Yes, I know they actually don’t.  I’ll be over here softly sobbing for the fate of our society).

The context you’re missing is that this is approximately the 715th SW feature film they’ve announced, and since RoS, we’ve gotten exactly zero.  Don’t hold your breath on this one either.

in which she’ll “attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order as a Jedi Master.”

So they’re going to give Rey the story everyone wanted to see about Luke, instead of getting it all in 2 minutes total screen-time told in flashback. Got it.

It’s truly amazing that theatrical Star Wars films get made at all, since no one there seems

“Completely new” is a stretch when they’re literally recreating shots from the animated film, as well as porting over songs wholesale.  If Disney wasn’t so actively recreating the original, people wouldn’t care about the changes.  They’ve basically turned these films into “spot the difference” picture games.

No, really. It’s just awful.

I can’t tell what’s worse— the fact that the delivery is so boring, or that the animation is so soulless, or that they are constantly reminding you of the infinitely better original by keeping just the smallest hint of the Be Prepared tune under all of it.

I do not understand why people go

That is just awful.

Those parents need to curate their kid’s viewing better.  My kids are 3 and 5 and don’t even know live action remakes of any of these films exist.  They watch the cartoons.

Except that’s not what the song or the movie was telling anyone in the first place. As the article points out, Ariel quite explicitly does want Eric to kiss her.

Well, in this case, it’s probably because the most full-on lefty folks are the ones who will actually applaud these changes because they think they’re actually necessary and/or productive.  There’s always a kookier kook.

I hope the film bombs because it would be nice to see Disney stop strip mining its catalog for live-action remakes, and employ some people to write NEW ideas.  Crazy concept, I know.

Have we finally found the point at which things are too liberal even for the AVClub?

You’re not really defending Trump. You’re defending the AVClub’s coverage of him. That make you feel any better?

Now, why either of us are climbing up these hills to die on... God only knows.

The claim is tenuous because he’s not on a reality show any more, if you don’t count cable news coverage of politics.  Nor does he really have anything to do with entertainment, for the most part.  

Every one of these lists, every time.

No its not, at least not as far as this site is concerned.  I mean, this article is basically a Twitter scrape as it is.  The claim that whatever Trump does is entertainment related because he used to be a reality show host was always tenuous at best.

Don’t kid yourself.  There isn’t a single Republican in the party with the spine to run a third party campaign, let alone the funding.  If Trump gets the nomination, it’ll be him versus the Democrat, and I sure hope that stays Biden.  If it’s Biden again, Trump is up there against someone who already beat him, and the