
Is there really anyone who is going to vote for him besides his base anyways? Are there really independents who are still on the fence, especially if it’s Trump and Biden again?

He won’t be incarcerated for this. Pretty much all the legal opinions were saying it’s a stretch to even charge him for a felony for this, which would usually be a misdemeanor. The whole thing is a bit of a stretch, frankly (which not to say he’s not guilty of a crime in this case, because he certainly is, but pulling

Digital projectors have been around since the Star Wars Prequels. Installing them was actually a requirement of screening one of them, IIRC. (Attack of the Clones, maybe?). Costs of shipping reels was a major cost, but that’s been decreasing for quite a while, and now I don’t know if it even makes a dent in distro

Eh... not really. Digital editing has been a thing for at least 30 years. It really is just that the push to turn over theaters has largely disappeared, since the audience for films has shrunk.

I buy that.  And I have no idea why they won’t do a prestige Batman series.  Seems like such a no-brainer to take The Animated Series, age it up with some more intense fights and language, drop it on HBO and make a bazillion dollars.

They could have taken ten minutes out of that film simply by trimming the overly long heads and tails of every shot.  And I really liked that movie.

Watch it. There’s multiple places where you can pause or even stop it and come back later/the next day. And at least one logical place to just break the movie more or less in half.

Even horror films aren’t that safe any more, with directors like Ari Aster running around.

I would have accepted Malificent for being that badass in a Disney movie, but yeah, there’s really no question.  Like most of these lists, I suspect they intentionally bumped the real #1 to spur more comments.

Read more carefully. I said the cinematography was good. I also said it was “of its time.”  The floating head scene was just the most obvious example that came to mind.

Good and timeless are not the same thing.  Jimmy Stewart’s head floating in a headtrip spiral is pretty firmly of its time.

Which is a testament to Fincher, because it’s still really not that bad a film.  It’s not great, and doesn’t stack up with the first two (arguably perfect in their own way) films, but it’s watchable.

False choice.  There’s no reason they had to go to a prison planet, just like there’s no reason they had to kill Newt and Hicks, especially off-screen.

Fede Álvarez.

The vast majority of people are normal.”

Yes, they would be the silent ones.

American Liberalism IS utterly histrionic. ...Of course, so is American Conservatism.  Basically, Americans in general are either silent or screaming, there’s really no in between.

A fairly minor point in the mix here, but can we stop calling companies like A24 independent?  Yes, they’re not Disney or Sony, but they still make movies with multi-million dollar budgets, big name stars, and premiere their movies at the biggest film festivals.  It’s not like the Daniels made EEAAO in their garage or

I mean, I guess at only 100M or so, EEAAO isn’t a “blockbuster” any more, but it’s hardly a sleeper film either, coming from A24 on a $25M budget.  And it’s certainly a hell of a lot more crowdpleasing than most oscar winners.

Writing up a listicle is one thing, and at least can be (very generously) called criticism or journalism.

I’m a Spielberg nut, and I’ll readily admit he’s made some stinkers, but man there’s no way Hook beats out Always, Ready Player One, or Warhorse for his worst movie.