
I’m in total agreement with you about pretty much all of that.  It’s part of what confuses me about people that love it.  I feel like they must have watched a movie that ends very differently from the one I saw.

This is the question I always ask of trolls, and honestly it’s the only one that seems to shut any of them up. Trolls want your anger and irritation, but pity? They don’t like that much.

Nah. I don’t see a whole lot of problem with pointing out that there’s a lot of people who are where they are simply because of who their parents were. I grant that in terms of Hollywood types, it doesn’t matter much, because in the end Hollywood doesn’t matter that much.

I sure hope the “recreating entire scenes from the original show” thing is limited to the pilot, but seeing as the new characters are virtual clones of the old ones, I’m not holding my breath.

I wouldn’t go as far as “steaming pile of shit”, but Barbarian definitely doesn’t stick its landing. It’s a great, tense first hour followed by 30 minutes of having no goddamn clue what to do with everything it sets up.

The new one is a little too... “safe” isn’t the wrong word... to be the best in the series, but it’s easily third best. That’s not saying much, considering what follows Hell on Earth, but the new one isn’t far behind the first two either.  It’s a pretty good horror flick

The new Hellraiser was great, and it should be mentioned here, if only for the impressive feat of resurrecting a franchise where most entries are nigh-on unwatchable.

Terrifier is essentially “Edgelord: The Movie”. It features no discernible character development, a plot that can be said to exist only inasmuch as it has moments that are designed to piss someone off strung together in a vaugely chronological fashion, and heaping amounts of graphic gore and nudity.

“Jason Blum has really tapped into a way to make mid-budget horror commercially profitable”

But it doesn’t feel like we’re getting things like Paranormal Activity anymore, which I think reflects a broader trend in film—we have our Marvels and our Avatars and we have indie films that get made for a couple million dollars, but the middle-tier movie is largely gone.”

They may not have know what it means, but they get the gist- and their literary understanding expands just that much more.  I love stuff like that.

I guarantee it ends with a never-before-seen F6 tornado, on account of climate change.

It was intentionally written as an inappropriate relationship- go back and read the notes from the development conversation between Lucas, Kasdan and Spielberg.  Depending on which version of things you go by, Indy is either 10 or 12 years older than her, and she is either 15 or 17 when they have their “affair”. 

Ah. Yes, that’s a different meaning. Wasn’t clear from your original post, but thanks for clarifying.

So do Republican voters. Gladly, and with smiles on their faces, as they pull the lever for someone who literally bragged about getting away with sexual assault.

You want to point out that Newsom and HRC are assholes undeserving of support, I got no problem with that. But implying that Democrats somehow have a monopoly

Other than the somewhat goofy insistence that they recreated the bomb practically*, this seems like it’s pretty much right in line with Nolan’s Prestige/Inception output. It’s science-y, it’s about a man obsessed, it’s a period piece. The only thing that isn’t obvious off the bat is how he’s going to fuck with the

You look at what’s going on with Elon Musk and see derangement in the general public, not the billionaire melting down in front of them?

You mean like offering to solve world hunger (for a year) and then when being presented with the way to do it going “nah, I’d still rather not”?

“Pretend”? Citizen Kane might not be a film you enjoy, and I don’t have much use for the “best film ever made” debate, but there’s no question that it was an absolutely groundbreaking film. It still feels like a modern film in a lot of ways, which saying a lot about a film that’s over 80 years old.