
Don’t give too much credit.  For it to be really slick, he’d have capitalized “The Menu”

In non-adjusted dollars.

When you correct for inflation, A New Hope is the second-biggest film of all time. It’s sold nearly twice as many tickets as TFA.

Sorry, but there is no one on earth that can convince me the sequel trilogy was carefully planned when each subsequent movie does absolutely everything it can to invalidate the movie that precedes it (and that includes TFA, which bends over backwards to undo all the gains our heroes achieve in Return of the Jedi).

It’s a movie about a bear on a rampage because it’s high on coke, and it looks like a fucking blast.

Let’s not overcomplicate this, shall we?

The only people that should think of the “dead-end” that T2 brings the story to as a bad thing are studio executives who call their films IP and franchises instead of “movies”

“worse than the original”

Nah.  They’re both perfect movies in different ways.  

That’s been a running joke at my job for a couple weeks now.

Now playing

It’s almost exactly this outfit, IIRC from the movie that I saw three weeks ago. A friend sent me this link after we both saw the film. I love this interview.

And it’s the best part of the whole movie


I mean, it might help if some of them looked a little bit at the product they put out. Of the five theatrical movies Disney put out, we could argue if TLJ or Rogue One is the best of them*, but only R1 is anywhere close to universally respected- not even loved.

This, and also- he could be writing a pretty minimal draft or even just a treatment.  “Working on” is a pretty broad term that leaves a lot open for interpretation.

I applaud you for trying, but I don’t think you can improve that original pun. Fault in Our Death Stars hit that nail as square as can be.

The Sopranos has a couple of fantastic seasons, and a couple of meandering ones. It’s never bad, but it’s not uniformly good. The Wire, on the other hand, is uniformly good.

I know we’re not supposed to like him because he’s “problematic” or whatever, but the idea that Bill Maher isn’t on this list is almost as ridiculous as having Band of Brothers at #49.

He’s not the best interviewer or moderator out there, but it’s about the only place left that you actually get opposing viewpoints

For real.  Though, to be fair, you can’t actually watch the damn thing anywhere.

Carnivale is fantastic, but it is not complete.  That is a crime, but I can justify keeping it off the list on that basis as well.

“Does no one over 25 work here anymore?”

I’m not sure whether to just say “no”, or to go further and doubt that anything being done on this site could realistically constitute “work”.

Streaming is a goddamn mess. The problem is that it all is done in the aggregate— you don’t actually pay to watch any one show with a service like Netflix or HBO. You just pay for the whole catalog. I’m not even sure how they do residuals for platforms like HBO Max- its one of the things that’s going to be a very big

Idiot Americans who keep watching that shit?