9 people from Toronto and no hits... what is this, Broken Social Scene?
The problem with this is that there was an entire genre of computer gaming, the CRPG, that lifted the mechanics of D&D and ran with it. There was obviously an enduring appeal there.
*tips hat*
*mansplains something*
Juror Number 8, you are dismissed.
When “keeping it Real” goes wrong.
(yes, foil is the best)
Protest is the highest form of patriotism.
When you fence, you’re only using your favored hand. Unlike in boxing, you’re never throwing or defending with your left. All your offense AND defense is in your dominant hand.
I am genuinely impressed with your knowledge of this. You’ve clearly devoted a LOT of time to this sport.
I’m definitely going to check out some fencing at the Olympics. As you said, the similarity with spacing/footwork/distance is intriguing to me.
Nice to know the Brooklyn hipster ginger fencer-slash-model has way more moral fiber and testicular fortitude than the big tough warriors of the NFL.
Thanks for the explainer. I know nothing at all about the sport, but it has always intrigued me.
this info rules, good on you.
Thank you for all of that but especially being able to see how absolutely gorgeous his accomplished lady is. Sheesh!
Wow! An actually informing and informed comment.
Thank you for lending your expertise in this.
I love this guy. Never heard of him, but he's got himself a fan.
Typical Deadspin, making this all about Race.
Q-Tip over Fife tho? Nah dawg. Just for the line “bust a nut inside your eye to show you where I come from”...