Sleeping White Horse of the Forest
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Mr. Mills’s story behind this run is really fascinating as well:

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Pretty cool, Mr. Shilling! Pretty cool! My favorite sports call and what amps me up for exercise or lifts my spirits from the darkest of recesses is the commentary on Billy Mills’s 10,000 m win in the 1964 Olympics (I don’t know who the commentators are):

Poor Chris Archer, who didn’t want any part of the mess, was nonetheless punched and tossed around.

You really have to be soulless to use your time running a union to jump to a private sector job working against the very institution you’re leaving. Not surprising though, as you learn more about his tenure.

In related news, Tim Thomas will be making his 11th trip to the White House this year, stating that “one more punch on my visitors card and I get a free well done steak”

In the AAF, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups. The players who were suckered into wasting months of their life, and the owners who will somehow cash out and profit on an obvious disaster. These are their stories.

Two things stood out to me. First, the grades of execution on his jumps. He had a quad lutz—the hardest jump currently done by anyone—earn nearly a +5 GOE, and +5 is the maximum possible (used to be +3, but recently changed). A few other jumps received +3. Even if a landing is a little shaky, he still pulls positive

Ahhhh that’s my problem, I’m Dutch! For real though, it’s not out of arrogance or disdain, I just don’t need to have inane pleasantries thrown at me, tell me what you need and move on. Where I have to watch it is to make sure requests don’t sound like demands. I mean everything in a friendly way I just don’t want to

Shout-out to the book “Wigfield” by Amy, Stephen, and fellow Strangers With Candy collaborator Paul Dinello. If you can get the audiobook, where all three perform the characters, do yourself a favor and grab it.

The menus are often recited to me halfway in Dutch before I abruptly interrupt with ”ENGLISH.” It doesn’t seem to bother them too much.

Rajon Rondo has spent much of his career trying to find new ways to make himself the most annoying person on the court. It’s impressive, then, that after 12 years in the NBA he still has ideas as fresh as this one

One of the most liberal states in the country which reliably votes blue in both congressional and president elections. The top rated k-12 education system in the country and home to 2 of the top 5 universities in the world. The 2nd ranked healthcare system in the country. And much of the country’s high tech and

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Track: Gips (Live) | Artist: Ringo Sheena | Album: Shoso Strip

When the guy accused of rape

So the two major complaints are:

Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco. 

Here he is