Driving being the boring, soul crushing chore it is, automakers need to sell you distracting screens, little lights, “connectivity”, whistles and doodads to lure you into buying their expensive, inefficient wares.
Driving being the boring, soul crushing chore it is, automakers need to sell you distracting screens, little lights, “connectivity”, whistles and doodads to lure you into buying their expensive, inefficient wares.
This slideshow being published including mkIV Supra slander is blasphemous sacrilege. And why no 4th gen Eclipse??
#18: Respect cyclists and give them room too. They were on the road BEFORE cars first farted into the public space, and still graciously share the road with the car drivers responsible for 99% of the danger to cyclist’s existence and physical integrity.
Hell to the no. 35-40K on a car that may or may not: set itself/the garage/home on fire, drive you nuts with random electrical issues, and have the equivalent of a shrinking fuel tank over the course of its lifetime is batshit crazy.
I always find it funny how there’s zero consideration or testing procedures for evaluating pedestrian safety. No directives are in place to minimize damage to vulnerable users whatsoever. Once the electronic aids fail, there’s no fail safe to protect anyone struck by trucks or cars. I guess only foreign governments…
I regularly drove kei vans and trucks (Suzuki Carry mostly, and some korean-made variants) and I could fit full sized, fully assembled bikes inside the vans and in the truck bed, depending on the body style I drove.
DC? If the commute is gnarly or stressful, I would totally skip the car. An e-bike is the EV to get. Go from surviving commutes to actually enjoying them.
Potential 24hrs of Lemons racer (if the resulting heap can come in some 3,000 lb. lighter)
Cars are pain. Always.
Can relate. Even though my two-wheeled fun is of the not motorized type, I totally get that the world is best experienced when not enclosed in glass and metal. Ditto with the ladies: if they’re not willing to ride with me or beside me or are afraid of a little sweat, it’s best to let them pass along.
The roads need a diet too.
Having ditched all my cars for bikes now, I can see that snout garage as a nice shop for working on bicycles. I don’t hate these as I can see them repurposed for all sorts of businesses.
There’s a difference between liking cars and making ridiculous life decisions in order to accomodate cars...
Unfortunately “Strict crash-test regulations” in the U.S. means vehicle occupant safety is the only metric. Worldwide, (or at least in the EU) there’s also a consideration called “pedestrian/vulnerable road user safety standards” that the U.S. simply refuses to acknowledge.
A proper sized car, the kind we’ve forgotten how to build. Lovely.
More symptoms. The root cause is the broken money. Everything tied to it (everything) is collapsing live, since 1971. It goes beyond venture capital and private equity, broken money is what caused the corporate greed that caused VC and PE to become a thing.
Reading this feels like being used to a 5-speed manual, then switching to a 4-speed manual car. Sometimes you’ll miss having a 5th gear and saving a bit of gas while going a bit faster...not the end of the world, but still, feels like a downgrade. I’ll take the missing 5th gear it as a jalop sign of the impending doom…
I’d try to bring it down to $3800. Sure, there’s a few issues, but remember: this one has no nannies. No drive by wire nonsense, no beeping, no internet connection, no complex electronics. This car will simply obey. Look at all that glass. The sightlines, the view out of the windshield feels like NSX.
It’s a runaway industrial deep fryer. How/why can a piece of restaurant kitchen equipment move that fast?
I want to be fully sending it at 75 years old too. My full respects to John Force