
“We don’t tip white ppl! LOL”

Heimbach also was charged a $145 fine and sentenced to 90 days of jail time. However, District Court Judge Stephanie Pearce Burke waived the jail sentence as long as Heimbach does not commit any additional offenses over the next two years.

PLEASE do this!
You could even have the indigenous peoples of the Americas allow the Europeans safe haven from the African Empire. This haven is provided in the form of “reservations” for the pale men at manageable population levels.
The power struggle between the various American societies (Would the Cherokees of 1940

Here is a contingency I’d like to see.... What if Moorish colonization had continued past Spain and and established a foot hold in Great Britain and Rome?

that would be cool, and im white, and do not personally feel guilt for my ancestors behaviors. its just a cool idea. im all in. i dont want to see the civil war rehashed, cause we are STILL FIGHTING IT. with high castle, that battle is over, the nazis lost and no one remains to support them. the confederacy is alive

It will probably take someone strangling themselves to death with all those wires for Nintendo to change it to something that isn’t ridiculous.

I wasn’t aware of the whole black-face concept

Do you....not know the history...of dogs being used against Black folk?

Nah, maybe I’m giving them too much credit but if they knew who she was they’d have cooked up a better story. I think they pulled her over because pulling over black people for no reason is what they do and then they realized who she was and realized they’d fucked and started throwing out lame-ass reasons on the spot.

look, its about time some of these lucrative immigrant jobs became accessible to white people, such as cleaning human shit out of parking garages at 2am, and shoveling in the hot sun for 10 hours a day.

Did some of that lettering have to be white, though?

“Is Emma Stone not available?”

Also she’s a dead ringer for Ivanka.

Seems like it’ll be a neat solution for collectors but I honestly just want these games on my Switch. SNES games are great on the 3ds. but they are a little hard to appreciate on the small screen. The Switch like the perfect device for SNES games - with the caveat that it still lacks a joypad. Hmm.

*Waiting for the white tears to flow from twitter*


He’ll be home in time for dinner. Why expect anything less now?

I love the black brown addition. Gay white men... are white gay men and as such, they need to sit down, be humble and for once.. stfu. We KNOW what you think, dammit. Let others in the community lead, talk, lead and you take a seat and listen.

No respect for black lives. They will keep doing because they know white people in a jury will never convict them. The same PD in the same city took this knife wielding white man alive, after three hours but she was shot on sight. Amerikkka indeed.

I mean I don’t want to say that this smells like white people patting themselves on the back for passing a test of basic human decency but this smells like white people patting themselves on the back for passing a test of basic human decency.