That white and lavender...
Why...? Climate change clearly isn’t real.
No Oakland viewing?
I hope she rapes them bankrupt.
It’s time to move onto Smash 4.
I really, really need Twitter to stop existing. This alternate reality we live in, would never have happened.
It just so naturally rolls off his tongue. That much so, he couldn’t even catch himself in time before saying it.
I disagree.
This is what these fools are saying after one of their own kill a white woman. Imagine what they would say had it been a black man who killed one of them.
I hate Beyoncé.
Fair enough.
What the hell do we have to lose?
Proof that even PBS doesn’t give a damn about reading and education. It’s always only about the bottom line.
“It’s sort of surprising Nintendo went there. Ketchup kind of looks like blood, but more importantly, the mayo looks...lets just say, not entirely kid-friendly.”
I’m of many minds who feel that due to this, more people of color should be encouraged to move in and flood the state just to piss off the assholes.
“What the hell do you have to lose?”
It’s time for a new black boycott against these conglomerations.
May I just ask...