I want the LL version. XL is just too damn big.
I want the LL version. XL is just too damn big.
They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.
Making white people feel uncomfortable is a far worse crime than anything white people have ever done. So remember, if you’re going to protest the things white people continue to do, do it somewhere where white people aren’t affected by it or can’t see it. Also don’t talk about it.
Nice. I teach ancient literature, so I have to stretch to make opportunities to shit on Trump to my students.
Not my Link
But the instruction manual on how to grab them by the pussy is very detailed and helpful. You people always focus on the negatives and gloss over the positives.
That also explains why the deputy was suspended immediately and there’s a distinct lack of wypipo saying, “Well actually. . . . “
Well the rider is white so I guess that explains why he’s not dead. Regardless of this this incident is fucking terrifying and this fucking psychopath needs to be fired ASAP.
Because context is everything. And no. Everyone is not okay with normal cost of bottled water.
First, wow
I’ve known about that ever since the game was released. My uncle told me about it. He works at Nintendo.
I’m actually kind of surprised he defined this as looting. Those are all white poeple. White people don’t loot. They use their wiley nature to find tools with which to survive. Only black people loot stuff.
Might not matter. The national flood insurance program has been broken for years. Getting a payout is extremely difficult after one of these events, and there’s the potential that the program could go broke over an event like this.
give her a break? for what? name one thing of significance she has accomplished in her life... don’t worry I’ll wait.
I just don’t know sometimes. My pollyanna vision of the good in people is quickly fading...Teachers, police officers, judges, presidents. The people who wield real power are real racist. Sucks.
Man, why is it that the people claiming to be the supreme race are the lowest/poorest examples of humanity.