
i was a hardcore physical collector until hurricane sandy came and told me i’d be better off buying digital. the worst feeling in the world was losing my collection and realizing that fetishizing material goods aint worth it

A video game executive that doesn’t truly understand gamers?

Just wait ‘til she interviews Santa.

I am sick of parents who think their elementary-school aged kids can’t possibly be racist fucks. Some of the meanest, most vile things are said and done by 10 year-olds.

But Obama and Hillary are so arrogant and elitist!

too real

For those of you who don’t think that this type of thing doesn’t matter, you’ve obviously have never been on a jury (and you really should do that and stop trying to find ways to skip out of them). 

Bruno Mars would love nothing more than to be compared to Michael Jackson, so, still works.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

Ahh, good ol’ War On Drugs, as American as slavery. I’m sure the profiling and aggressive arrests happen to white people at the same rate.

If I was giving advice, I’d suggest you be wary of saving sympathy for corporations in general.

A lot of people buying the Switch weren’t born or old enough to have played this game... They’ve added some modern features (did you read it?) and a new Ken...

Would that 36% be anywhere in one of the red areas on this map?

should it cost 50 cents everytime you want to play?

Lol. He is a stud. To later be played in the movies by Matt Damon.

This is just baby steps for them declaring any attack against police to be terrorism so they can drop you in a holding cell with no due process if they don’t like they way you look.

Gotta beg to differ. It was the music.