
Edited for clarity! :)

I'm actually not convinced that Clooney hasn't thought about this.

Thank you for collecting these and placing them in one comment for us. This is magnificent.

I respect both your man-ifesto and strange punctuation.

They seem great but those underpants peaches give me the heebie-jeebies in a way I don't fully understand. They are the visual equivalent of the word "moist."

There are some funny ones on that "sounding feminine" article. :D

Heh I know. NOT THE CASE THO!! :)


"Hysterical" = MRA dog whistle.

The aggression isn't directed at Mark or Jez, it's directed at the men in the comments who immediately felt the need to either lash out against women who DO care about size and/or made it about their own feelings and preferences.

I'm not either, I just thought it would be fun! :)

Thank you! :) It's temporary for Halloween.

Because his response to a comment telling men that women need to be able to voice our sexual preferences was a comment chiming in about his own sexual preference, as a man. He could not have missed the point any harder than he did. Men are constantly coming into women's spaces to derail the conversation and/or take it

I was referring to some other comments elsewhere on the post when I said "gaping vagina."

This wasn't directed at Mark.

3. Only the men, really.

K like you didn't just show up here to pick a #gamergate fight with a feminist so you could run back and tell all your little basement-dweller friends how mean all us womminz are? Grow up, have sex with an actual human woman—blowup dolls don't count!—and then get back to me about this whole thing.

Take your dickfeels back to /r/MensRights, thx.

Is this because of your micropenis?

Spot on! And I constantly hear/read/see men judging women's bodies. Turnabout is fair play, I say.