
I think it's okay to have a preference for dicks that are not small and further I don't really give a rat's what your penis thinks about small boobs or the fact that this was posted on Jez and there is no counterpart about gaping vaginas. Women are told by everyone and their mother both directly and indirectly that




I think speculating on whether a person "looks" like they would allow abuse is a dangerous road, don't you?

I like you.

Never gets old.

hi i think you have a lot of good idears and i want to talk to you more about them these animals they are freedom fioghters and i think its the lefty pinko freaks who would suggest we eat them you know why because they are cannibals think about it its all just a big flat circle and if we are all the same species as

At some point in the last five years Blake Lively turned to another living human person and said, "Listen, I think I have more to give, here. I have so many thoughts about life and living it well. I just want to help people and share my ideas with the world! I mean I could be the next Oprah!"

Reading this, I literally just now realized these two were from different boy bands.

Collectively they are a real brain trust, aren't they?

They make such a huge deal about words not having that much weight and then turn around and complain about freeze peaches and censorship.

Only sometimes?

By the way guys, if you get a response from one of these idiots the best thing to do is dismiss and don't engage. Makes them way angrier because WHITE MEN MUST NOT BE SILENCED!!!11

They're afraid of women for sure but deeper down lies a fear of losing their privilege.

That sounds delicious, I'm gonna have to try that next time I go!

I don't like the texture of french onion but thank you for supporting breadbowls.

Me too.

Okay, well I like them so maybe you should comment to someone else about your grievances.

Then don't order it! Jesus.