
Oooh soulless Sam is best Sam. :D

I just researched this myself to try to find out which stores were offering it and you neglect to mention that they are offering an AM crunchwrap with guacamole (!!!) as well. LET ME AT IT.

No worries! Hope to see you around. :)

You have to keep commenting basically. I would also recommend getting an avatar. For some reason I think people see that as being more legit. I rec'd this comment to pull it up out of the greys but in order for you to be approved one of the Jez authors has to follow you for the blog itself.

No I didn't mean to the cops. Another person made the point about the high discrepancy between white women and hispanic women and their figures being an indication of this being the tip of the iceberg, which I think is probably true.


I enjoyed this stream-of-consciousness comment.

That's a good point.

The number is most certainly higher. Possibly by a lot.

While this is disturbing as fuck for many reasons, the silver lining is that we now have a better study to refer to when discussing this stuff with crazy MRAs. No, it won't change their minds, but at least when these assholes come at us with "DO YOU HAVE ANY SOURCES FOR THAT HMMM WHERE IS MY FEDORA?" we have something

Lindy, thank you for all you've done here. Your articles have been a constant source of inspiration and laughter for me (and I'm sure many others). I will miss you terribly but I hope to see your work elsewhere very soon. Cheers!

I'm shallow, so.

Hi nice meeting you.



Bumping this.

I'm willing to bet my last dollar on it, actually. Good point.

I still think they have no excuse for running this but thank you. :)

Welp, great. I'm not worried about him getting punished—he will probably never fuck anyone ever again at that school—but I think his editors had a responsibility to think about how this would come off. The paper and now the school as well look terrible unless they end up issuing some kind of retraction or apology.