
I think there's a moment that happens when you're in a life/death situation (or you believe you are) where you have to consciously decide to keep going. It takes a fight, IMO. The fact that she had presence of mind to figure out the umbrella thing, and to keep herself from just passing out and giving up entirely is a

I didn't even like him all that much and this just tipped me into the love category as well.


OH you know what tripped me up? I remembered this scene as Bran seeing Ghost, which technically he did but I forgot he was warging at the time. Thank you for clarifying! :)

Right, and just because you CAN get into people's business in public spaces doesn't mean you SHOULD. I mean just don't be an asshole. Why is that hard?

A question came up on another of these threads elsewhere in the Gawkerverse about whether Bran & co. let Ghost out when they presumably let Summer out. Were Ghost and Summer being kept in the same pen? And if so do we think Bran ran into Ghost at all? And if so, I wish they had shown it. :( It would have been a nice

So now not only are we taking pictures of people in public—and later posting them online for everyone to laugh at—if they are doing anything out of the ordinary, but we've also added listening to their conversations and Tweeting about it to our list of Things That Are Acceptable. Remind me not to do anything in

Isn't she, like, a known flibbertigibbet? I mean, cute girl and a fine actress and all but she doesn't even wear shoes most of the time and I think that is fundamentally wrong.

Yes, great. I understand that you—much like the 50 other people who have already jumped in here to tell me exactly this—have a different opinion about beer than I do, and that you like PBR. Thank you for your valuable contribution to the thread.

That's a good bet, I think.

You're completely right; I just have such a hard time understanding why you would act so completely against your own interests in order to join a party that basically hates you.

My friend is an Eagles/Phils fan. :)

I honestly don't understand how you can be LGBTQ, a woman, or a person of color and support this party. It absolutely boggles my mind. They are so clearly a bunch of crazed bigots, and yes I am judging them by their most outspoken members because those are the people making the shitty legislation and nobody is

My best friend is from Philly so I can't hate on the people. I actually quite liked the food there when I went. The city itself, though, I didn't care too much for. Most disgusting humidity I've ever encountered and a lot of it was just sort of stinky. :/

Is this a football thing?

This is such a dumbass move. I know PBR is cheap but it is so fucking terrible. Why can't they make the wontons with Stella or something else that's just a couple price points up? The burger looks delicious aside from the swill they're serving with it. GODDAMNIT PHILLY DO BETTER.

What is the point then? That she didn't know because she was Australian? She's been living in the US for years.

Still racist tho.

At this point, with the high volume of racist crap that has come out of her mouth—and that people have called her on—she should be checking herself every single time she posts something about another race/ethnicity/nationality. I think that someone who has no history like that would be fine and forgiven, but her? Nah.