I feel like you just rick-rolled me.
Hey Iggy, the socially acceptable name for that game is actually "Telephone." WTF with this racist crap. She is like a geyser of offensive bullshit.
What's funny is somebody just posted something that was sort of the same as mine anyway so now 1. I don't feel like a deviant and 2. if it wins I can just pretend I won. :)
Weeeeeelllllll she was in one of the more famous relationships in the world, so now that she's been dumped (?) there are going to be paps all over her trying to get photos of her looking sad. I know I make fun of her and her scrunchies a lot—one of my favorite things, really—but I don't think she deserves to be…
Yeah me too. I have a lot of crazy stories but they'd either doxx me or come back to haunt me later. This one is fairly benign as my stuff goes but still. I am a coward. :D
REDACTED because I am a coward
Do you guys have another $10k in your discretionary budget? Because this is worth it.
Aw really? I think he's adorable!
You really do have the best job in the world.
Except it isn't really the same thing. Franco has gone on record MANY times with regard to his relationship to his own celebrity and how he gets a kick out of deconstructing it. He's also involved in the art world and takes part in a lot of off-the-beaten-path photo projects. Ever since he did that soap opera stint…
He is basically daring people to find him attractive at this point. Please no one else hit on him or he will act out again. I don't know what he will do and every time I look at this picture now I smell chicken fat.
So...what kind of drug cocktail are we thinking here?
Bless her for at least trying everything.
They're pests, not "pets." You ask any reasonable person on the street which is a worse problem in America, poverty or dinosaurs, and he will answer dinosaurs ten times out of ten, my friend. It's time to clean up the neighborhood.
That looks amazing! Thank you!
It really is a new world out there with all the goddamn Dino stumpers cropping up these days. You and I should talk privately about how to enact legislation for minimum mandatory raptor sentences. I've also been kicking around the idea of a school program—something like, "Keeping Kids Off Dinosaurs" because sometimes…