
I used to love going to Ringling as a kid and it pretty much broke my heart when I found out how the animals are treated. Everybody should boycott them until they make their handling and training practices completely humane for all their animals, not just the elephants. There are plenty of fun circuses out there where

I'm going to skip all the "MY BODY IS READY" comments because they are gauche (and I'm too lazy to look for the gif). Instead I will just say that if Prince Harry would ever like to stop by my house for a glass of lemonade and a marathon of the show "Secret Princes," my door is always open.

Who will be the next fearless civic leader to step up and take on the difficult task of protecting their citizens from the looming threat of takeover by a secret society of lizards living in disguise as human beings?

Good point.

When speaking of tiny things one must use the proper suffix.

I like your disgusting shrimp poetry. I just don't like the way they taste, but I suppose your reasons are also valid.

I hate it to the point where I absolutely will not eat it. I have other foods that I'm not crazy about but if they're in a dish and I'm hungry I'm fine (like red onions for instance). I just can't bring myself to eat the shrimpies at all though.

I don't eat shrimp. It's actually on a list with only like 3-4 other things that I absolutely will not put in my piehole. You know what else is good is the potstickers and sometimes if I'm feeling super piggy the spring rolls too.

"wasn't forcible, beat-up rape"

I will probably never forsake my orange chicken & steamed rice combo but it's nice to know that if I suddenly get hit by a truck, fall into a coma, wake up and forget that I used to like things that taste good I can always step into a Panda and find what I'm hankering for.

I feel bad for Efron because he can't just tell people to screw off and stop asking, nor can he actually admit that he was out making a buy. Once the "rehab" bit has been announced the general public must never find out about the inevitable relapses, so there's this constant cycle of happy lies being told by celebs

You go, Glen Coco!

Thank you. Also, does anybody who watches this show really care if it's scripted? At this point I think most people have come to expect that out of shows in this "genre."

It seems overly cynical to assume that little Liam is acting for the show. However, credits rolling at the end of True Tori reveal acknowledge two studio teachers: Carmen Khotsikian and Michael Simon. California child labor laws are pretty specific about the use of studio teachers, who are required on set for all

IKR??? That Cool Ranch. *drool*

HAHA. Boyfriend Expert, Ph.D has weighed in, people! SHUT IT DOWN.

He was probably better than the majority of people I know in terms of what he said in public and how he spoke up against misogyny, homophobia and racism. So, yeah—respect, but I don't agree at all.

I'm not entirely convinced of that but if I'm wrong then disregard all the above. :D