
Yeah, I mean he wrote like a boy. (SRY 4 STEREOTYPING GUISE.)

Pretty much. Then again I see all sorts of crap from commenters who are completely misinformed about and/or ignorant of addiction in general, so I'm not in any way shocked.

Right, and the real bottom line is that nobody knows what went on between them except the two of them. What we do know—according to all the investigations done by the police department—is that it was not a homicide. People need to let it go.

People are pointing out on the Gawker thread that it looks like Courtney's handwriting and he may have been carrying around something she wrote as a joke because he thought it was funny. Either way, I wish Seattle PD would just let this die. The more they release under the guise of "clearing Courtney's name" against

Imma let you finish, Madeleine, but there's no way this beats When Harry Met Sally. For one thing, there's a sincerity that Nora Ephron and Rob Reiner have when they work together that Wain and Showalter do not. I love Wet Hot American Summer, don't get me wrong, but these are two different types of movies from the

This changes nothing for me. They could basically tell me I was ingesting nuclear waste and I'd still order a third Cool Ranch Supreme taco.

I want a big burrito (for me), a tiny hamster (also for me) and a knife so I can cut him a little piece and we can share.

WHAT. Have I finally found my rodent avatar???

Oof John Green, that is some epic, Paltrow-level humble-bragging.

Seconded! Where is Judge Kinja to preside over this resolution?


Fucking caffeine won??? I lost interest after these losers voted out the hard drugs. GOOD THING, SOUNDS LIKE.

I feel like the "drunk Sex and the City II brunch & movie combo" was a popular girls' outing, as I did the exact same thing, except walking out...because I couldn't really walk at the time anyway.

I was drunk as a skunk when I saw Sex and the City II. You have just reminded me of how awesome that theater experience was and have made me want to repeat it. Now the real question is, do I go vodka or whiskey in my soda cup?

God Biden stop making me yearn for a love that is forbidden.

Watching stuff like this makes me so glad I live on the West coast...and then I remember about the entertainment industry.


I know that I am supposed to think of Lorde as this preternaturally wise old soul trapped in a youngster's body, but I just cannot help rolling my eyes at her with shit like this.

I'm starting to get to the point where I feel as though if you do not own a uterus or ovaries you should not even be talking about them, let alone making any kind of judgments or decisions about them. This shit is so freaking tired.

I mean, back in AIM days I had that much time on my hands myself because I was either in school or on break and sponging off my parents. But there's my answer, I suppose.