
Rubio's is so great! I don't mind Wahoo's but Rubio's sauce is amaaaaaazing.

I think you need to check your taco privilege, my friend.

I felt like a fucking genius when I first discovered the secret jalapeno cheese fries. I am glad I get to pass on this knowledge.

I think I'm the only person in the universe who gives not one fuck about this Frozen thing. A month ago, you could have told me it was a new hipster soft-serve chain and I wouldn't have known the difference. (Though thank god I didn't get a fro-yo craving and run around looking for it.) The only reason I know what

I have a theory about him and it is that he likes the fact that he is creepy and people hate him. I think he gets off on humiliation and feeling like a big human dirtball. So now even me typing this is feeding into his whole disgusting shame/sex cycle but I don't know what else can be done other than to keep calling

You need to get their version of the supreme taco. Don't get me wrong, Taco Bell is like my lovely wife who I can come home to anytime for the same amazing dinner, but Del Taco is my slightly exotic mistress who sometimes feeds me crinkle fries by hand with my faux-Mexican cuisine and it is very wrong but also

I like Del Taco because it combines my two favorite fast foods: tacos and french fries. I like to get the beef tacos with an order of fries (their fries are so yum, they are big fat crinkle fries) with a side of their nacho cheese topping. The nacho cheese topping is for dipping the fries, and it is just a bit spicy

I'm pouring one out for it as we speak.

I thought you said you were leaving?

I don't remain silent on any of that. I'm a feminist and proud to be so. Again, you are talking about the minority as though it's me and everybody I know who believes in god. It's not. That's my entire point.

Bye Felicia.

Right, and then if said women say no, they look like assholes when in reality they are just saying, "No, I do not wish to have that kind of relationship with people I don't know." Fame should not have to mean being accessible to anyone who asks.

But I just said I don't throw my backing at it.

But what does that mean to you when you say, "act like it's true?" You're not really giving me any examples.

But that negative consequence, if it even exists, only affects me. So why is it bad for anybody else if—and I will say this once again—I am not forcing my beliefs upon other people or using what I believe to oppress them? I'm still confused about why you would care.

You never answered my question.

What exactly are the negative consequences? I never said I was religious, by the way. I just said I believe in a higher power. It's an important distinction.

Umm. LOL Do you have a source for that "better educated" thing?

Oh, I TOTALLY agree that we should be talking about it. I don't think anyone benefits from keeping the whole thing as a taboo.

I should have said "the reality of evolution" because that is a fact. That said, I don't feel as though I need to prove anything "for" what I believe as opposed to "against." I believe what I do and that is my business. I don't push my beliefs on anyone nor do I ask them to even consider it. I just ask that I be left