
Why bother indeed?

In the context of religious discussions I have no problem with that. I just don't like the way that—so it seems to me—current fervently outspoken atheists seem to default to arguments 1 & 2 as a sort of combination thing, when I think they should be separated like you just did.

Sure, I think that's a good criticism. But there are so many common things in all the world religions (even in Christianity) that I think there's a way to connect them.

Thank you for clarifying the two arguments. That was my point and I think judging by the responses I explained poorly. :)

There are so many other ways to think about god than the Christian ways, though. For me, I like the concept of Tao—kind of a living, breathing river you can tap into and ride to your destiny. There's nothing harmful about that in my opinion.

I didn't say it did. My issue is with people who get on my ass about my own private beliefs, which I do not force on people nor do I use them to oppress people. There are sane people out there who believe in a higher power.

Being right matters.

I don't know the answers to your question; I can only go with what I believe. I think everybody needs to figure it out for him or herself. But I love your comment!

My brain's imagining of Nick Carter's face right now:

I believe differently. And the point is, THAT IS OKAY. :)

How do they get around the law though? I'm sorry, I am just fascinated by this.

Maybe I used the wrong word, then. My other (greater) point still stands.

Well, not all of them look like models. ^^^

I disagree. I think they paint all belief in anything as "religious" or at least "stupid." In my experience, anyway. Could be confirmation bias? Dunno, I just haven't had great experiences in discussions about this stuff.

Okay, well thanks for the chat. Have a good day. :)

You are really doing an excellent job today here on Gawker Media.

But you're playing right into what I said. You can believe in science and rationality and also a higher power.

And I think those criticisms are valid. My frustration is sort of along the same lines—"Others' voices are seldom heard."

That argument goes both ways. :)

Is RentAGent a prostitution site? I'm confused. Have we all talked about this before and I just missed the memo? I don't want to click the link for obvious reasons.