
He probably practiced that joke before the date which makes it extra uncomfortable.

You would be surprised at how many times I've been called dumb for even taking an interest in different religious beliefs.

It's pretty common for them to say not that it's "evil" but that it's "stupid."

Good points! I generally don't discuss my beliefs with anyone for that very reason. The atheist anti-theists you're talking about seem to relish getting into arguments and for me, it's just something that is and exists in my life. So arguing about it seems silly. Live and let live.

I mean I understand why they want to kill Catholicism or any of the other big religions that regularly oppress groups on a systemic level. But I don't like the idea that just because I believe in something, I'm one of "them."

But people use the idea that religion is horrible in their arguments against there being a higher power. That's my problem. My view is that you can believe in god or whatever else without being part of an organized religion. I understand why atheists want to dismantle religious organizations but believing in god

My biggest problem with some of the more vocal atheists these days is the focus on religion being this horrible thing. I am not a fan of religion, but there are plenty of us people who believe in a higher power who aren't members of any church, don't push our beliefs on people and agree with the concept of evolution.


This sounds almost exactly like early Madonna.

Well that's awesome, thanks. And I apologize if I've been overly harsh to you. Just trying to get to the bottom of why you think these things. Doing my own "hole-poking" so to speak.

So then why are you refusing to take any of my answers into account here? You say you want information or a new point of view but then you're being dismissive every single time I try to tell you that your view of women is skewed and wrong.

Relating to some college-aged women. Not all. Again, women are all very different, just like men are.

Just adding to the Scrivener love pile here. It's got such a great format and makes organizing your notes and outlines (plus the book itself) so much easier. HIGHLY recommend!


Ha! I may try to borrow this logic at some point (read: right now, this second, as soon as I put my shoes on.)

I was already on the fence about jelly beans anyway so this is an easy one.


Now playing

So, feel free to throw tomatoes but this haircut does things to me. I cannot explain it. Please see JT's TKO video for more information on this topic:

You have not experienced enough in terms of relating to women to make any kind of judgment call about women as a group of people. I can tell by the way you talk about (and to) them. So we can leave the age thing aside but the maturity and experience thing is still an issue.

Actually, it does. Your brain is LITERALLY not fully mature yet.