
Okay, well before you start pontificating on "how the world works" why don't you let your brain reach maturity (which won't happen for another couple of years) and in the meantime get out of your goddamn bubble. You are terribly naive.

First of all, stop saying "you" like all women are the same and we all get mad (at you) about the same things. We are separate people just like you are separate from "all other dudes." Second, it seems like you don't even listen to the women in your life as you view their concerns as "petty stuff." Next time why don't

How old are you? 15?

Okay, but your refusal to view women as people means you are a misogynist. You do realize this, yes?

Maybe if you tried relating to women as if we were people instead of scary, alien creatures who exist purely for you to have sex with, you wouldn't have to put in all that time at the gym, brah.

Are you saying that men try to avoid pissing women off during/because of PMS? Because if so you need to educate yourself on the phases of the menstrual cycle. The fertile period is ovulation, not menstruation.

Thank you for explaining this! My brain immediately went to other, more illicit things.

No, of course I want to see models...But I think I have a responsibility to ask myself why I have that preference.

"Coachella boogers"

"Let's make that not a factor, because we're trying to deal with everyman."

The problem is that these magazines dictate what "perfection" looks like and what we therefore should all strive to, which creates an unrealistic standard. I'm with you on the "I WANT TO SEE PRETTY THINGS" but at a certain point we have to step back and look very critically at the influence these magazines have upon

They have some seriously beautiful scenery on that show. I am not mad at this in the least. Sign me up for the next tour! And please include one Richard Madden with my order, thanks very much!

+1000 for use of "Plop" nickname.

I'm sort of jealous of you and your little cat-door-possum-pet.


I think it was in the Queenstown area that I heard this?

You and I should go into business together.

Alas, I am from the US so I know that ugly mug all too well.

Yup, sounds about right.

Also Hostess products. And chili cheese fries. And Chinese food. Plus maybe some onion rings or like a really big machine where you can purchase an entire chocolate ganache cake.