Body By Bacardi

That's adorable. You went from just asking questions and lamenting the lack of "subtle" discussions of racism to calling black people on welfare "lazy fucks with a complexion problem." Gotta give you credit. You kept your moron pedigree hidden longer than most internet crusaders do. Good on you.

So you are telling me that because my family income is 106% of poverty level that I should just give up and kill myself

Couldn't hurt.

Jesus. It's a giraffe. A tiny fucking giraffe. Is it that hard to get a parody of me right?

Hell no. If I'm going to drink something that tastes like turpentine, it better at least kill me in a horrible fashion for being that stupid in the first place.

Thanks, man.

I mostly like NoVa drivers. They brake like morons, but they know how to keep up with traffic.

I wasn't working with anyone in NC, actually. We're based here, but I was the midwestern and Pennsylvania account manager. I spent a good amount of time in Missouri and Iowa. I did work with vineyards and wineries, but also wine shops, liquor stores, distilleries, and breweries.

Life Changes DUAN!

but where's the endless hashing and rehashing of data on the men's vote?

11. Your father refused to throw a second cow in for the dowry.

Children of rich parents shouldn't expect to earn a salary for their work either. They should give that money to their poorer coworkers and continue to live off their parents.

Not sure how they enforced the "no words" rule in Pictionary either.



"(877) 867-5309: Some chick answered. No confirmation on whether or not it was Jenny."

I imagine whoever actually has the number 867-5309 must find it absolutely impossible to keep their social lives in order.