
If that happens, Harrison Ford is going to crash his plane into your house.

“You cannot be anti choice and feminist. Period.”

You forgot to mention that they spread chirpes.

What kind of twisted son of a bitch isn’t interested in Star Wars?

Not that anyone cares about my lady-boner, but I think Katherine Heigl looked completely gorgeous with a rounder figure. I think she’s really pretty, anyhow.

Never forget.

I hope a bucket of paint falls off a ladder and lands upside-down on your head and gets stuck there and you stumble around with a paint-bucket on your head and crash into a ladder and fall down a manhole.

wait so, what was he supposed to do? like after the lawsuit was settled was he just supposed to stop snowboarding forever and go live in a cabin in the woods or

I wouldn’t saw he was overlooked - but definitely underutilized. Why hire him for the role if he doesn’t get to do some cool shit? Where is my Donnie/Wesley hand-to-hand fight scene?

I’m not sure Cambodia is a real place, it’s not even home to one of the Asian cultures.

Hell, Chris Evans elicits some very mixed feelings as Captain America, and I’m a heterosexual man.

John Kelly then: “I remember when women were sacred”

That sharp metal will saw through those zip ties in a week.

But you do seem to have a firm grasp on “jankiest”

The left opposes being so uncomfortable with gay people that you want to see them be psychologically tortured until they’ve been convinced they’re not gay anymore because that is Bad, Actually.

Plus, no crap, tank treads (not “threads”) do actually tear the hell out of pavement that hasn’t been built especially for that purpose—even with rubber track pads.

For being willing to risk and give their lives for the safety and security of strangers.

Well, if you take the case to a Jury trial I think he might get 10-15 years in football jail but he may get off with nothing. On the other hand, if you offer him a plea I bet he’d take 7-9.

How often do you think Chewy showers? He hasn’t had a haircut in forever. He’s all greasy and dirty, rubbin up on the walls when he has an itch.