Yeah, Obama did float the idea of direct negotiations with Kim and Fox news and all the Republicans lost their shit screaming about how it would legitimize the North Korean leadership and weaken our negotiating stance.
Yeah, Obama did float the idea of direct negotiations with Kim and Fox news and all the Republicans lost their shit screaming about how it would legitimize the North Korean leadership and weaken our negotiating stance.
Just to add, the domestic Max fleet is still relatively small so in North America it will make ripples but shouldn't be a catastrophe. In Asia and Europe slightly larger waves I would presume.
”to what sounds like a Marvel movie trailer soundtrack”
You know, I could totally understand executive privilege being applied to the office of the President if it were under any other circumstances than the ones that landed us Donald fucking Trump as the man. Living in bizarro world is getting old...
Saab did some of the bodywork and interior. Mechanically these are Subaru's. Quit being a butthole, your opinion is bad.
If there is one thing that could drive a wedge between Trump and Brady it would be their diets. I’m pretty sure Tommy boy would dissolve Thanos snap style in the presence of a McNugget.
I will vote for anyone running on the D ticket because otherwise we get Trump. Are you even shitting me with this wiffy-waffy prissy ass bullshit?
Im curious to hear Frida's opinion on Prince of Persia now...
They want him to run as a Dem so he’ll lose in the primaries and not split like 15% of the vote if he’s on the polls as an independent. If any other Republican prez was running for re-election I wouldn’t really give a shit but I actually agree with this opinion given the circumstances we face.
This mother fucker sold the Sonics. He's never ever ever ever no matter what getting my vote.
Hrd 6' cucked soy-boy tiny baby hand loser. That's his formal height after yesterday.
My honest impression is that no, Trump is not a racist. But he is a supreme opportunist who has recognized that racism is a brand to be exploited and he's painted himself into a corner. He's a snake oil racist if anything, selling a product to a consumer base. He'll abandon it the second he loses in 2020 and try to go…
Could be related to re-routing passengers, perhaps Sydney just happened to have the capacity available and the others did not.
Semi driver here, can confirm. Use a little clutch to get out of gear but clutching going into gear actually makes upshifting these types of transmissions more difficult.
This is in no way an example of Democrats voting for baby-morons sea to shining sea wall. They are different things...
Dude, they made me throw away my contact solution because it had 0.2% Hydrogen Peroxide. You got lucky.
Everyone should hope for the opportunity to punch this scum.
Alex Zanardi is the shit. Period.
I would be happy to be bored, god wouldn't it be nice for a change...
As a citizen of Washington State and someone who has supported Inslee’s gubernatorial-ness through voting I take issue with the sarcastic nature of this post. He’s a pretty solid candidate you guys, stow the snark please.