Smug Liberal Bastard

Your impotent rage amuses me..

I was asking for clarification, not any other which nonsense you started spouting.

Who are you talking about?! I see 3 ppl in the greys and only one of them spouted insanity... You need to lighten up and realize Gizmodo media is not your safe zone...

The rubes need something to chitter about...

Nowhere in my comment do I deny him having Herpz, just pointing out that the “greenish discharge” is more than likely gonorrhea...

You do you, but if you do me, use protection...

You’re confusing braggadocios with simple honestly. It’s okay, you are young and stupid, I won’t hold it against you...

I agree, I found Jessica Jones to be the weakest of all the shows..

The burning was irritating, the blisters were maddening. They would just spread all over my body during an outbreak. Had to put Band-Aids on to try to cover them up (which only led to more stress, which led to more outbreaks. Vicious fucking cycle...)

I’m still not completely convinced on Tomi not being an angry Korean dude...

I’m not a doctor, but I do have herpes. Greenish discharges are not a symptom. Ushers got gonorrhea guys...

I don’t have $10 million, but I do have herpes...

Shit man, who is even left in the East? Boston maybe? (I like Isiah, don’t know about the rest of the squad...)

As a Bulls fan, I would be quite disgusted in Rose if he went to The Mistake By The Lake...

Well, some words are imported... (Which I suppose just means it was made-up in a different language by some other assholes)

Dude, you should read up on how the Apache treated pretty much every other race.. my favorite piece was that they (Apache) wouldn’t waste bullets on Mexicans, they would just round ‘em up and bashed their skills in with rocks.. oh, and then you have the whole Aztec vs Mayans thing... Pretty much, no civilization ever


It’s not, it’s a completely made-up word, that violates the pragmatics of the English language, created due to whiny lil bitches that wanted to complain about white guys (in Academics) creating the English word to describe them.... All in all, nonsense from the get go (oh, and it is supposed to be written as “LatinX”

The story behind it is quite funny. So academy came up with the term “Hispanic”, but they didn’t like it. So they decided we should use “Latino/Latina”. Then it was roundly pointed out those can’t work in the gender neutral language that is English. So then the compromised crap that is “LatinX” came into existence