Smug Liberal Bastard

Copyright is for expression (images). Game mechanics/rules can not be trademarked, phrases are incredibly hard to get a trademark on

Hahaha!! Here's my guy!! Only one on here that has some knowledge 

People are stupid, and stupid needs an outlet for their anger...

OGL just allowed one to use their copyrighted expression of non-trademarkable content.. seriously people, not that complex

Agree. The entire concept of the non-enforceable OGL was goodwill

Obviously you never played Rifts (or any of the Palladium RPGs)... Holy spit, there is definitely something special about D&D..

Nay, don't use WotC copyrighted images and your fine.. the rules of the game can not be trademarked

OGL affects no one really. Pretty easy to not include copyrighted images in your own work and no one can trademark the rules of a system ("game")... So not much of anything here...

Doesn’t matter at all. Can’t trademark rules. The OGL is a joke based upon the real (again, CAN NOT TRADEMARK RULES!)

I believe they have no control over any of the movies. Pretty sure they sold all the movie rights to everything back when they were going through bankruptcy...

Not liking a good thing is generally bad

No, just no..

Good God that is some shitty art... Comic book art really took a nosedive after the 90s, huh?

Yeah, like you said, Swedish..

They do love their irrational snark, now don’t they?!

“fake news”?

It’s humanity’s defining trait! The only thing we got over those beasts...

Welcome to Gizmodo, where snark and pearl-clutching go hand in hand...

I thought he had some valid points and was yelled at for uttering as such...

“It’s all fun n’ games til someone’s dick falls off!”