Smug Liberal Bastard

Have you....have you ever been in a comment section before?

Also, poops and chuckles.

It’s been a very long time since I’ve bought a jersey with a player’s name on it. Bennett’s trying to make me break that streak.

Never forget:

Ninjas- Fuck me. Say what you will about the tenets of Shaolin, at least it’s an ethos.

He can’t even use the three seashells, so.....

Firing him was cheaper than giving raises or promotions to women at the company.

Bruh, skits from the 2012 Systems Biology Program Retreat are serious bizness, and this article is fearless scrappy journalizm..

Someone had to.

Oh, it goes much further back than that...

The iPod needed iTunes and that in itself made it the worst product ever made. Meanwhile the Surface line just keeps getting better and better, while for some reason the MacBook Air got worse. MacBook Pro is still good, though, but at this point it boils down to ecosystems versus the Surface Book...

The real advantage of the Zune was that you didn’t have to use iTunes.

It is way too early on a Tuesday for that much feels. Come on.

Jessica Lange’s bare breast compared to Kong’s finger is an excellent reference point for size comparison.

Oh no, I insulted shitty modern day CG. I offended a sheeple. GTFO!

We have different versions of history. You have your alt-history backed by your alt-facts, and I have my real history.

If a Scot does well at something he's British.

He’s Russian you idiot. That’s why in all the films he does he has the same accent as that Russian submarine commander in Hunt for Red October.