Smug Liberal Bastard

Look at you! Now you can go work at Hollywood since you now understand how “based on” works. I’m so proud of you...

Your second paragraph contradicts your first. It was “based” on DKR, maybe as loosely as movies “based” on real events, but that doesn’t negate the fact that BvS was based on the Frank Miller comic...

He was my favorite actor to play both a good Bruce Wayan and a good Batman...

Except, ya know, the whole comic it was based on...

Stupid does seem to be WBs M.O...

Wow, Florida is really going for that “Worst State in the Union” honors, huh?

Shit, I fell back into the greys responding to some shitty comment today... Strange days indeed...

I feel like I should have to drive an hour and a half to go sit in my mom’s basement and craft a proper response to Sol....

Not cool dude, not cool at all....

I’m really confused by that statement. I’ve only heard “nog” in relation to Eggnog...

Damn prostitutes! Always ruining everything....

It didn’t go very well for the Zulus when they attempted to slaughter the Boers...

what?! you can’t swear in your header?! well that’s some bullshit! ;)

Censoring your own blog title? No a good look, Root...

Good luck guy, Americans have been pleading with Prez Trump to allowed them to attend Democracy’s funeral...

Unclench your anus. No reason to prematurely panic..

Full disclosure: I didn’t watch the interview. My muling comment was in relation to (I think your) comment about trafficking drugs about (aka, being a mule).