Smug Liberal Bastard

Pretty sure this is how the GOP feels about this Obamacare “repeal and replace” crap...

Who or what’s “Mobay”?

Thank you. Was hoping someone posted this already..

I think #freegraysbae needs a hug...

Shit! I missed all of season 3 already?! Fuck, have to stop watching so much Netflix...

Mr. Meeseeks, fix racism in America!

That bailiff is my fucking hero. I hope he skates completely clean from all this..

“Our punishment for murder is, Murder!”

Cool story little dude. You flipped your referents in the fifth paragraph which is probably why you are still in the greys. Also, brevity: it’s your friend and shit...

Hell yeah man! Editing is for bitches, leave your glaring typo for all to see

I like the fact that “screwed the pooch” is such commonly accepted into our lexicon that no one is bothered by it’s implications...

“Chink in the armor”

Did you end up on Deadspin by accident? Have you not been here before?

Team Herpes loses yet again...

Hey *High Five* I read 1984 too!

No yeah, your question was fine. Judas just comes off as kinda a dick sometimes...

(no plz send help hes forcing me to do this..)