
If you want to see James Taylor at Fenway they make you buy playoff Red Sox tickets too. It’s brutal. If you don’t mind lemme complain about this deal I entered for the next several minutes...

That quote was actually about Jose Reyes.

It seems more like an intervention than a confrontation.

He probably got it in a Christmas stocking from grandpa, who he also got his temper and racism from too.

I feel bad for the guy. Of all the centuries to be born in he had the bad luck of being in one of the few where he can’t have slaves. So unfair.

The check for the wall from Mexico is in the mail I bet.

Everything about NASCAR is terrible.

You are going to slightly delay all the pedophiles who google Penn State looking for child porn.

Please move to North Korea. You will fit in there much better. They have a fat trust fund brat running their country poorly too!

Why don’t you tell Trust Fund Trump to stop bringing politics into sports?

I live in Boston. No one cares about college football here because college football is terrible. College teams suck (they are unwatchable compared to the patriots especially) and southern colleges suck compared to New England colleges.

I can think of approximately 3,589 better things to do on a Saturday in a city like New York than watching shit ass college football. It’s popular in places like Alabama because there is nothing to do there and people are too obese to be active.

Or no one has a gun and no one dies. Like in other countries with rational gun laws.

People who decide to drive in Boston are idiots who get what they asked for. I live in Boston and haven’t driven a car in 10 years and am happier, healthier and richer because of it.

I also watched the super bowl at a bar in Bangkok. The only difference is that my team won, I didn’t fall for that suit scam and I didn’t fly halfway around the world to go to a Hooters.

It is very easy to name 12 quarterbacks as good as or much better than Eli. How many times has he lead the league in picks again?

Joe Pa dying is one of the highlights of the last decade of American history.

College football is terrible for so many reasons. Most players are bad. The 50 point blowouts. Coaches and ADs making millions while players break their brains and bodies for $0. Anyone who roots for fucking PENN STATE(!)of all places on top of that is just disgusting.

May I suggest “bald asshole”?

Being forced to sit through a full church service is my nightmare.