
Could this story about Chandler be any more normal?

The Boston media is already talking about Gronk's contract on a daily basis even though he is signed for 4 more years. There isn't much sports to talk about in March when you live in an area that doesn't give a shit about NCAA basketball.

Goose is right about Braun being a piece of shit, though. Cheating and throwing people under the bus is bad for the gander.

If you live a fun life then sunday mornings are for sleeping in because you partied late Saturday night(and didn’t waste your Saturday watching shitty college football). Getting up at 10AM to watch football is out of the question.

You know what isn't good for you? Living in West Virginia. It is by far one of the most obese places on the planet and their life expectancy is pathetic.

Coors lite? might as well drink O'douls.

That is because republicans are more religious and for some reason giving to your own church is considered "charity" instead of "paying off kids raped by your priest".

Yeah, winning your conference every year is an embarrassment. Real stars lose in the first round.

The world would be better off if what you said was actually true.

"Let us celebrate this progress by sharing these authentic edamame, or Tokyo beans. Now, I want you to be very careful about eating these. You eat the shells, then you throw the seeds out."

Yeah, the people responsible can rot in prison for their crimes.

20 years in jail and lifetime license suspension seems about right. Stupid drivers.

Exactly. And we have plenty of evidence that people who get married really young or very quickly get divorced very quickly.

To be fair his "statistics" are insignificant. And they are also wrong. People who rush into marriage get divorced more often.

The Huckabees are dog murderers and you believe in sky fairies.

Another republican who only cares about themselves and is just waiting to inherit from Mommy and Daddy instead of earning their own way. And you do know that Reagan and George HW Bush raised taxes, right?

Chargers home games will be the saddest collection of humans imaginable.

After giving the owner $200 to watch his awful team? You sure showed him!

Anyone who pays money to Spanos next year to watch his shitty team is a fucking idiot.

I had a soup dish that had fish semen in Kyoto a couple months ago. Wasn't exactly my favorite course of the evening.