
I guess when you’ve just been catching kids thrown/dropped from a burning building, you’ve earned the chance to diss local sports men.

She’s calling people to acknowledge the existence of reality which won’t go away just because we ignore it. No wonder Fox and Friends are terrified.

Heh. I have a 10 year old who does basically the exact same thing with her 5 year old sister.

So bold.

Quicker than Bob Kraft at the Orchid’s of Asia.

Ed Markey is great. Sit back down, Joe.

Paul Ryan’s band, which only plays covers of Rage Against the Machine songs.

Cricket is even better than baseball.

NOW WE KNOW WHERE TO FIND YOU when your time comes.

“What the president meant is that he thinks we need more collaboration among intelligence agencies. Any other interpretation is just fake news.” - every member of his administration, probably.

Just hope that RBG stays healthy....

Also tens of thousands of Pats fans. Folks here assume that any negative news about the team is just jealousy. It’s ... pretty awful.

Truly this is the darkest timeline.

What rough beast slouches towards Tampa to be born?

Ah, a “not-quite Congressional tough guy”. Classic example of the breed.

Yes, it’s a shitty answer (or not really even an answer). But I’ll bet you a lot of voters are going to love it, because what comes through clearly is “this is about poverty, not racism”, and there are a lot of people, including a lot of Democratic voters, who want that. It’s easy to be magnanimous, it’s hard to admit

Unless you work in porn.

In her case it would be kind of a misnomer.

“Black Rod” sounds like a porn name.

Ivy League teams already suck in most sports, though.