
I actually doubt it. Being evaluated constantly on how you look, being asked to drop 5 pounds before you'll be hired even though you're already rail-thin, having your features PhotoShopped away as "flaws" — I can see how that would wear away at your self-esteem, even if you're considered objectively gorgeous by

Ha ha ha aha ha ha!!

Honestly, I think it's because Cosby's victims are all women. No one believes women.

i think women believe other men more than they believe women, as well. just as they too participate in victim-blaming. really think those scumbags at TLC didn't know?

Worst answer to "So, does she have a type?" ever

So getting kicked in the balls is similar, men trying to masturbate a woman. Good to know.

Also: whatever else you do, be quick and decisive, do your damage, and then get the fuck out of there.

That is, perhaps, the most chemistry-free kiss I've ever seen. The stress ball has more passion than Michelle and Jim Bob.

Jim Bob's words:

On the other hand, Satan was absolutely correct in thinking that a home birth was adding unnecessary risk for absolutely zero good reason.

Also, there's the public that your baby is going to infect if you don't allow vaccines, so we also get some say. And the general interest of not letting parents kill themselves and their children die of stupidity, so the public health establishment gets some say.

Nope, sorry, I reserve my right to roll my eyes at the stupid, hippy-dippy things some people do.

Incorrect. I can DEFINITELY have an opinion on people who have dangerous home births, and who put their lives and the lives of their children at risk for extremely stupid reasons. I can think those people are fucking reckless morons and also think that we need to do something about our shitty prenatal healthcare,

Thats what I don't get. Even if we go with the Bible, it says "first breath" not "when sperm meets egg".

A skirt over capri pants? No.

Idk, I think it's very different when historically marginalized groups create spaces for themselves than when a dominant group does the same, because EVERYWHERE is the dominant group's space. Like, if this group was a bunch of white adventurers saying "no blacks allowed" we would all be throwing major shade.

This is the club from South Park that molests children, right? That got Chef killed?