And he keeps on digging with his non-apology
And he keeps on digging with his non-apology
Okay, but the thing is, this still promotes the wearing of fur, and unless the consumer wears a big sandwich board saying "Don't worry it was roadkill!!" someone will see a beautiful fox, or raccoon, or coyote fur on that person and want one for themselves and think, gee, maybe it's not so bad..after all they're…
Yeah, like the other replies say I think they *might* be tranquilized but I unfortunately stumbled upon a horrifying video of it happening, once. It was... yeah. Don't look for it, just trust me it was pretty bad. It was like taking off a glove and the dog was still alive.
China has horrible dog and cat farms for making fur. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
Nope, skinned alive most of them especially Mink.
It's not the most direct route, but basically it populates your colon and is excreted in your shit. The shit bacteria creeps from your butt up your taint to your vagina. True story. (I'm a microbiologist, BTW)
Pee doesn't come from your vagina, it comes from your urethra.
Freezing yogurt runs the risk of killing off much of the good bacteria in it, so it will be much less effective.
Except my license is dependent on NOT being "as inept as anyone else." So, yes, I'm better at diagnosing and treating disease than the local hippie at Whole Foods.
I'm not sure how bacteria that goes through your digestive tract would end up in your vagina . . .
Human bodies are also incredibly more complex than cars. The car analogy only carries so far.
Yeah, it's irresponsible of her parents to want her to grow up in a stable country. So selfish.
*No all men are rapists and not all men who are acused of being rapists are rapists.*
Do you realize that many of those children have never been to their parent's country and do not even speak the language?
He's probably guilty. It would be pretty unlikely for so many accusers to be lying. Falsely accusing someone of a crime is a crime; it's hard for me to believe that over 10 women would risk their own freedom by accusing him of things he never did.
"Hey Mr. Cosby, what do you say to the allegations brought forward by about a dozen women that you raped them?"
I'm really curious about his wife Camille. How has she dealt with any of this? Has she had anything to say about the allegations over the years?
do you know in advance if you'll have a "manageable" case? No. So women should decide for themselves without any pressure from interest groups how they want to handle the risk.
Yes, but shit will get better. That's the whole point of what he's saying. Think about how far contraceptives have come. Think about how many women got DVT's, endometrial cancer, ?breast cancer and a host of other side effects from the first high dose estrogen contraceptives used. And think about how many have…
It's obviously no secret that there is a huge gender gap (in general but also) in how we respond to what celebrities…